The implementation of student automation evaluation system using SAS/IntrNet
Academic and Student Information System (‘4SIS) was developed by Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) to provide information and facilities to process students’ results
submitted by UUM lecturers. These functionalities were a part of the whole processes of student information system currently implemented in UUM. But, the constraint was arisen
when the current system unable to provide a facility to assist the lecturers to manage the score and perform an evaluation on students’ performance through assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and final examination. Thus, we have developed a system to provide these facilities and become complimentary to the current system - ASIS. The system was developed using PowerDynamo as a front-end and SAS/lntrNet@ as a flavor in ingredients to enrich the output and enhancing interface functionality. The system allows lecturers to create a temporary workspace to input and edit the fields mentioned. The number of fields and the percentage of each field to store score on students’ assessment are determined by the lecturer itself. The system will calculate the contribution of each field and store as a total coursework. With SAS/IntrNet@ the performances of the students’ grades were easily evaluated prior the final scores submitted for result processing. Finally, the total coursework and final examination scores will be submitted online to ASIS when instructed by the
lecturers and this will end the student examination processes. Furthermore, the system has successfully supported the implementation of Student Advisory System by providing useful information to the lecturer (Mentor) in order to advice students (Mentee) more effectively,
whose main purpose is to help and assist UUM students to boost their academic performance.