The researchers developed a methodology for statewide freight transportation planning that focuses on identifying and prioritizing infrastructure needs to improve the intermodal freight transportation system. It is designed to provide the framework for state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations to meet the freight transportation planning requirements as mandated first by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 and then by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. The researchers accomplished this by interpreting the results of a literature search on the legislation, participant roles, and analytical methodologies to formulate the steps of the method and demonstrating how each step is performed. The process is based on the interaction between inputs from stakeholders and a technical analysis that provides decision support information. A case study is described that demonstrates how the technical tasks for the system inventory and data forecasting are accomplished. The study shows that a standard but flexible freight planning methodology can help remove impediments to efficient goods transportation. Future developments such as geographic information system data, improved freight flow data, and established system inventories are shown to facilitate the recommended process.