Development of Deposit Process and Function Design for Web Archiving of Digital Resources
ABSTRACT The National Library of Korea is administering a legal deposit system for the printed- publications. Whereas, OASIS(Online Archiving & Searching Inter net Sources) has to design a system to collect, manage and preserve web sites and web reso urces for Web Archiving. The purpose of this study is to develop a digital deposit proce ss for digital resources. As a result, this study defines the subjects and objects for digital deposits, and describes the definitions and the functions according to digital deposit steps. Also, this study designs the data flow diagram and proposes the function definitions on unit works and the structure for the flow of information.키워드: 디지털자원, 웹 자원, 웹 아카이빙, 디지털 납본, 디지털 납본 프로세스digital resources, web resources, web archiving, digital deposit, digital deposit process ****** 본 연구는 2007년도 국립중앙도서관 ¾·OASIS 표준화과제 연구¾¸의 지원으로 수행되었음. 한국디지털콘텐츠산업협회 사무국장( ( 제1저자) 한국디지털콘텐츠산업협회 연구원( ( 공동저자) ■논문접수일자:2008년 8월 19일 ■최초심사일자:2008년 8월 25일 ■게재확정일자:2008년 12월 1일 ■情報管理學會誌, 25(4): 5-23, 2008. [DOI:10.3743/KOSIM.2008.25.4.005]
[1] The National Library of Canada , 2000 .
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