Quasielastic (e,e') sum rule saturation.

A microscopic Green's function doorway formalism is used to study Coulomb sum rule saturation in inclusive quasielastic electron scattering as a function of momentum transfer. Form factor, kinematical restriction, and final-state interaction effects on the approach to saturation are examined in detail, as are the roles of nonhermiticity, energy dependence, and the analytic behavior of the final-state interactions. The implications of relativistic kinematics and dynamics for the approach to saturation at not-too-high values of the momentum transfer are assessed. Because the pair production of relativistic treatments destroys the asymptotic nature of the nonrelativistic Coulomb sum rule, the degree to which a regime of validity can be expected for this sum rule, and its location, is considered. The breakdown of the sum rule as the momentum transfer increases is also examined. Similar theoretical studies of an analogous nonrelativistic transverse sum in its saturation region are developed as well. Theoretical predictions are compared with the experimental data for {sup 40}Ca both directly and using a variety of theoretical prescriptions and limits. Neutron knockout contributions and associated uncertainties due to ambiguity in the free neutron form factors are examined.