Phylogeny and genomic organization of the TIR and non-tIR NBS-LRR resistance gene family in Medicago truncatula.

Sequences homologous to the nucleotide binding site (NBS) domain of NBS-leucine-rich repeat (LRR) resistance genes were retrieved from the model legume M. truncatula through several methods. Phylogenetic analysis classified these sequences into TIR (toll and interleukin-1 receptor) and non-TIR NBS subfamilies and further subclassified them into several well-defined clades within each subfamily. Comparison of M. truncatula NBS sequences with those from several closely related legumes, including members of the tribes Trifoleae, Viceae, and Phaseoleae, reveals that most clades contain sequences from multiple legume species. Moreover, sequences from species within the closely related Trifoleae and Viceae tribes (e.g., Medicago and Pisum spp.) tended to be cophyletic and distinct from sequences of Phaseoleae species (e.g., soybean and bean). These results suggest that the origin of major clades within the NBS-LRR family predate radiation of these Papilionoid legumes, while continued diversification of these sequences mirrors speciation within this legume subfamily. Detailed genetic and physical mapping of both TIR and non-TIR NBS sequences in M. truncatula reveals that most NBS sequences are organized into clusters, and few, if any, clusters contain both TIR and non-TIR sequences. Examples were found, however, of physical clusters that contain sequences from distinct phylogenetic clades within the TIR or non-TIR subfamilies. Comparative mapping reveals several blocks of resistance gene loci that are syntenic between M. truncatula and soybean and between M. truncatula and pea.

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