Organizational entrepreneurs: are they different from others?

In India, there are as many as 120000 highly trained professionals working in various Government managed national laboratories. Many of these laboratories are equipped with very advanced research and developmental facilities. However, there have been growing concern that technological and economic contributions from many of these national laboratories are far from satisfactory. Inadequate market orientation of their research priorities and poor innovation culture of their scientists and technologists have been identified as few of the reasons for their lacklustre performance. In order to infuse more market orientation and to encourage innovation among their scientists and engineers recently some of these laboratories have introduced innovation performance based incentive schemes. One such scheme is to allow the scientists and engineers to sell their expertise to other industrial organizations for a fee a part of which they are allowed to keep as their personal income. The present study is an attempt to compare the demographic, career and behavioral characteristics of professionals most receptive with others less receptive to such innovation oriented incentive schemes.