Efficient Use of Energy and Technological Pollution Awareness Scale

The aim of this study is to develope a scale which has hard therotical basis and might be used at environmental education. Scale items are constructed by literature research and selected 35 items. The scale is applied to 349 student who are educated on Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Science and Technology Teacher Training Department. 16 items are determined as a result of analysis. The sacle’s KMO level is 0.867, Bartlett Test is 0.000, Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient is 0.826. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis goodness of fit levels are X2/df:2.84, RMSEA:0.073, SRMR:0.056, CFI:0.90, IFI:0.90, GFI:0.91, AGFI:0.87. It might be said that the scale’s validity and reliability are “well” and has hard therotical basis. Emel OKUR, Şükran YALÇIN-ÖZDİLEK... 272 Ocak 2013 Cilt:21 No:1 Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi The scale has got two dimensions which are named “efficient use of energy” and “technology and pollution”.