Evoluation of SP-100 System Designs
The current phase of the SP‐100 program was initiated in 1986 with the objectives of developing the technology for Space Reactor Power Systems (SRPSs) in the 10–1000 kWe power range and performing ground system tests of both nuclear and non‐nuclear major assemblies. During the course of this development, several system designs at different power levels have evolved. The design activities cover power levels from 5–100 kWe, technology ranging from currently available through projected evolution, and incorporation of features to enhance survivability. The designs demonstrate the adaptability of the basic technology developed in the SP‐100 Program. A summary is provided of the key features and attributes of each of the design adaptations of SP‐100 technology and the mass‐power relationship that the designs imply. Conclusions regarding the applicability of the SP‐100 system to near‐term and future mission applications are provided in the context of currently available technology and the improvements that could...