A Cloud-Based Framework for Online Management of Massive BIMs Using Hadoop and WEBGL
This paper presents a Cloud-based system framework for providing a web-based building information model (BIM) service. Cloud computing technologies were used to develop a BIM data center, which can handle the big data of massive BIMs using multiple servers in a distributed manner. In addition, the system allows multiple users to access the BIM data center online to submit and review BIMs concurrently. In this study, the advanced technologies/tools of web development and Cloud computing were applied and incorporated to develop a prototype system, named CloudBIM. On the client side, this study applied WebGL and HTML5 in the web-based interface development to achieve the 3D display of BIMs and the dynamic interaction with viewers through browsers. Users can access the services of CloudBIM by using PCs, laptops and tablets anytime anywhere to view the 3D model via browsers, which support WebGL. On the server side, this study used Apache Hadoop, an open-sourced distributed file system based on Google’s technologies, to establish a BIM data center. The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) can utilize multiple servers to provide mass storage spaces in a distributed manner. Based on the use of Apache HBase, which provides Bigtable-like structured storage for HDFS, this study proposes database schema for storing the information from massive BIMs in two bigtables, named Object table and Property table respectively. In addition, Hadoop MapReduce, a Hadoop component for the parallel processing of large data sets, is utilized for model data acquisition by parsing the IFC files of uploaded models in parallel.
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