Ontology for Biomedical Investigations

The goal of OBI is to enable a formal representation of biomedical investigations that captures the experimental evidence on which their findings are based. The scope of OBI includes: materials made in and produced for investigations, research objectives, experimental protocols, roles of people in investigations and processing and publication of data gathered in investigations. Use of OBI will allow comparison of experimental data from the wide array of scientific disciplines represented by domain experts in the OBI consortium. OBI follows the principles laid out by the OBO foundry, and integrates tightly with other foundry candidate ontologies, such as GO (www.geneontology.org) and ChEBI (www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/) whose terms are used to describe biological reality. The use of OBI by the scientific community to represent or annotate their investigations within electronic data resources will facilitate interdisciplinary data synthesis, enable access to their data on the semantic web and improve third-party understanding of information related to life-science and clinical investigations.