In-Plane Monotonic and Cyclic Racking Load Testing of Structural Insulated Panels

AbstractStructural insulated panel (SIP) wall systems have been used in residential and light commercial buildings for the past 60 years. Lack of sufficient published research results on racking load performance and understanding of the influence of fastener types on seismic response has been a deterrent in the widespread use of the wall system in seismically active areas. This paper summarizes the results of a full-scale racking load testing study in which a total of 17 2.4×2.4-m (8×8-ft) SIP wall panels were tested under monotonic and cyclic loading. Four 114-mm (4.5-in.) thick SIP specimens were tested under monotonic loading, while 13 114-mm (4.5-in.) thick SIP specimens were tested under the Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering loading protocol. Parameters such as fastener type, spline design, hold-down anchor location, and sheathing bearing were adjusted throughout the testing to determine their effects on the SIP’s performance. Performance parameters such as peak load a...