New Collaborative Approach to Scientific Data Management with NOVA [in press]

Accelerator physics studies at the storage ring KARA at KIT produce terabytes of diagnostics data per day, which is recorded once and then reused on a long-term basis to answer different research questions at KIT. Finally, raw data and intermediate analysis results should be published along with scientific results. Thus storing from the very beginning the data of all analysis steps and its metadata in a central portal would be very beneficial. Similar requirements exist for synchrotron X-ray micro tomography at the KIT imaging cluster and there is an interest to share the large data analysis effort. By using a new collaborative approach, the NOVA project aims to create tools, to enable an efficient use of valuable beam time. For micro tomography beamlines the project will build up a comprehensive database of various demonstrator organisms for the morphological analysis of animals. The NOVA portal is integrated in the local data handling procedures and the datasets automatically appear in the NOVA portal as they are recorded. For both applications, accelerator diagnostics and X-ray tomography, the NOVA portal will offer new collaborative tools to enable synergetic data analysis.