현대건축에서의 Inter-Textuality개념의 적용에 관한 연구 - 기호론적인 접근방법을 중심으로 ( The Study on the adaption of semiotic intertextuality in modern architecture )
Since the semiology has been adapted to architecture as the
reaction of sementic loss of modern architecture, arch-semiology
as influenced not only theory df architecture but architects, But
archi-semiology has several problems. To solve this problem the
theory of intertextuality is introduced and adapted in this study.
As the intertextuality is the concept of relations between a text
and another. When the concept of intertextuality is adapted in
current architectural condition, the analytic method of the manner
to pre-existing code in pre-existed buildings are taken. This manner
is divided the three types which is reception, distortion, denial.
But the manner as intertextuality is not operating to the one
building wholy, but partly, fragmentaly operating. Hence building
is no longer closed system than the place of endless mutual reaction
of manner to the code.