The Pupation Adaptability of Agasicles hygrophila on Different Ecotypes Alligatorweed
This paper deals with the pupation adaptability of the flea beetle, Agasicles hygrophila on different ecotypes of alligatorweed. Ecotype of alligatorweed was found to be the key factor affecting the pupation of this beetle. The pupation adaptability of this beetle was significantly higher on the aquatic type than the terrestrial types. The diameter of the aquatic type did not affect the pupation of the beetle while the diameter of the terrestrial alligatorweed showed significant effect on the pupation. When the water content of the environment was decreasing, the beetle on the terrestrial type weed would choose the weed having larger diameter. The ecotype of the weed also affected the pupation site and rate of pupation. The flea beetle is a successful agent for the control of aquatic alligatorweed but less effective to terrestrial weeds.