Abstract. Despite of the popularity of Delauney structure for mesh generation, octree based approaches remain an interesting solution for a first step surface reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a generic framework for a octree cell based mesh generation. Its input is a set of Lidar-based 3D measurements or other inputs which are formulated as a set of mass functions that characterize the level of confidence on the occupancy of each octree’s leaf. The output is a binary segmentation of the space between occupied and empty areas by taking into account the uncertainty of data. To this end, the problem is then reduced to a global energy optimization framework efficiently optimized with a min-cut approach. We use the approach for producing a large scale surface reconstruction algorithm by merging data from ubiquitous sources like airborne, terrestrial Lidar data, occupancy map and extra cues. Once the surface is computed, a solution is proposed for texturing the mesh.
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Fusion of depth maps with multiple scales
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Exact voxel occupancy with graph cuts
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Fast Approximate Energy Minimization via Graph Cuts
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