Regional GPS Mapping of Storm Enhanced Density During the 15-16 July 2000 Geomagnetic Storm
During geomagnetic disturbances, intense storm-time
electric fields of magnetospheric origin extend across
mid-latitudes and redistribute the ionospheric plasma
through advection across both latitude and local time.
Strong increases and sharp spatial gradients in total
electron content (TEC) characterize the ionospheric storm
response. In this paper, TEC measurements from GPS
receivers scattered throughout the eastern and
southeastern parts of the U.S., including a few located in
the Caribbean, are used to monitor the ionospheric
response to both the 15-16 July 2000 geomagnetic storm,
one of the largest geomagnetic storms in recent history,
and the more recent 31 March 2001 storm. The GPS data
have been used to construct a time history of TEC
perturbations in two dimensions. The data clearly show
plasma advection from the lower latitudes bringing in
storm-enhanced density (SED) [1] with total electron
content (TEC) ~ 100 TEC units into the region
immediately equatorward of the trough. During these
geomagnetic storms, plasma is transported to higher
latitudes and to earlier local times – approaching the noon
meridian. Additional maps of storm-induced ionospheric
perturbations, constructed with Millstone Hill incoherent
scatter radar data spanning the mid-latitude ionosphere
between 35° and 65° invariant latitude, support the GPS
observations. In-situ DMSP satellite observations of
electric fields and particle precipitation are used to further study the structure and dynamics of the magnetospheric
and ionospheric response to these storms. During both
storms, very large enhancements in the TEC are seen over
the eastern part of the US. This is due to bulk transport of
the F region ionosphere to mid latitudes from the vicinity
of the equatorial anomaly. Large TEC gradients are
observed at several individual GPS sites, impacting
standard GPS data processing techniques at some sites.
The fusion of these different data sources, GPS,
Incoherent Scatter, and DMSP satellite observations,
allows comprehensive monitoring of the magnetospheric
and ionospheric interaction and of the development in
time and space of the ionospheric SED phenomenon.