A study on the fire resistance method using FR-ECC in long tunnel

The spalling phenomenon occurs in high-strength concrete when several factors such as sharp temperature increase, high water content, low water/cement ratio and local stress concentration in material combine in the concrete material. On the basis of the factors, the preventing methods from the spalling are known as reduction of temperature increase, preventing of concrete fragmentation and fast drying of internal moisture. In this study, the reduction of temperature increase was proposed as the most effective spalling-preventing method among the spalling-preventing methods. Engineered cementitious composite for fireproof and repair materials was developed in order to protect the new and existing RC structures form exterior deterioration factors such as fire, cloride ion, etc. This study was carried out to estimate the fire-resisting performance of high strength concrete slab or tunnel lining by repaired engineered cementitious composite (ECC) or fiber reinforcement cemetitious composite (FRCC) under fire temperature curve. and them we will descrike the result of HIDA tunnel in Japan.