The National Network-Centric System and its components in the age of information warfare

This paper describes the new model of information warfare system based on a data hiding platform. This concept is based on the assumption that data hiding technology is the most effective mechanism for creating the new inter-layer, called the stego layer, in the known Internet Protocols. The main idea is to create network botnet bases on standard client-server architecture using specific agents – Hidden Protocol Interpreters (HPI). The HPIs are responsible for bidirectional hidden and secret communication with the administrator’s workstation. The HPI serves as a passive monitoring station of the Internet infrastructure, intercepts points for remote control commands and finally plays the role of an active element in order to take control of allocated IP mechanisms (computers, routers, etc.). In this paper, a likely new attack on telecommunications links called a voice spoofing attack, in the form of, for example, a subscriber’s voice impersonation, and a method of protection against this attack – Personal Trusted Terminal (PTT) – is also described.