Photon-mediated interactions between quantum emitters in a diamond nanocavity

Inducing interactions between quantum emitters The development of scalable quantum systems will require the ability to control the interactions between the individual quantum building blocks of the system. Evans et al. used a pair of silicon vacancy centers embedded in a diamond nanocavity to show that interactions between the quantum emitters can be mediated optically (see the Perspective by Lodahl). Such optical control provides a speed advantage as well as the potential to develop an integrated platform for future quantum communication and quantum networking. Science, this issue p. 662; see also p. 646 Interactions between quantum emitters embedded in a diamond nanocavity can be induced optically. Photon-mediated interactions between quantum systems are essential for realizing quantum networks and scalable quantum information processing. We demonstrate such interactions between pairs of silicon-vacancy (SiV) color centers coupled to a diamond nanophotonic cavity. When the optical transitions of the two color centers are tuned into resonance, the coupling to the common cavity mode results in a coherent interaction between them, leading to spectrally resolved superradiant and subradiant states. We use the electronic spin degrees of freedom of the SiV centers to control these optically mediated interactions. Such controlled interactions will be crucial in developing cavity-mediated quantum gates between spin qubits and for realizing scalable quantum network nodes.

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