Butterfly-shaped Motion Estimation Algorithm and its VLSI Implementation

Development of video technology requires the fast and hardware-friendly motion estimation algorithms.A novel fast motion estimation algorithm with butterfly-shaped search pattern,halfway-stop technique,and motion vector prediction is proposed.This algorithm can achieve 43.26~80 percent speedup than diamond search algorithm and the picture quality is better.And then a relative VLSI architecture with tree-structured adders and parallel internal memories is also proposed and analyzed.Two new access methods for parallel memories,Latin square map and 4×4 block map,are adopted in this VLSI architecture,which regularize the data and save the external memory bandwidth.Under the condition of the 27MHz system clock and the 16 bits data bus,the desired data rate of external memory is only 4.57Mbit/s.Compared with other implementations with tree architecture,this implementation has superior performance on PE count,memory size,search speed and flexibility.