Flame retardants, surfactants and organotins in sediment and mysid shrimp of the Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands).

Sediment and mysids from the Scheldt estuary, one of the largest and most polluted estuaries in Western Europe, were analyzed for a number of contaminants that have been shown to possess endocrine-disrupting activity, i.e. organotins, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE) and transformation products, nonylphenol (NP) and nonylphenol ether carboxylates (NPEC). In addition, in vitro estrogenic and androgenic potencies of water and sediment extracts were determined. Total organotin concentrations ranged from 84 to 348 ng/g dw in sediment and 1110 to 1370 ng/g dw in mysid. Total PBDE (excluding BDE-209) concentrations ranged from 14 to 22 ng/g dw in sediment and from 1765 to 2962 ng/g lipid in mysid. High concentrations of BDE-209 (240-1650 ng/g dw) were detected in sediment and mysid (269-600 ng/g lipid). Total HBCD concentrations in sediment and mysid were 14-71 ng/g dw and 562-727 ng/g lipid, respectively. Total NPE concentrations in sediment were 1422 ng/g dw, 1222 ng/g dw for NP and 80 ng/g dw for NPEC and ranged from 430 to 1119 ng/g dw for total NPE and from 206 to 435 ng/g dw for NP in mysid. Significant estrogenic potency, as analyzed using the yeast estrogen assay, was detected in sediment and water samples from the Scheldt estuary, but no androgenic activity was found. This study is the first to report high levels of endocrine disruptors in estuarine mysids.

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