수중운동체의 실린더 관 내부 이동시 작용력 예측에 대한 실험적 접근

The main object of this experiment is to estimate the hydrodynamic forces acting on a submerged streamlined body placed in a one-end-opened cylindrical tube moving with certain translational velocity. The best experimental design for this object is mimicking real situation, however sizes of model body and cylinder tube are just the same as those of real, for avoiding scale effects, mimicking real situation is not realizable. Hence, in this experiment, target body and cylindrical tube were designed to be towed with varying body position relative to cylindrical tube. For measuring hydrodynamic forces and flow velocity in the cylindrical tube, six one-component load cells and several one-hole Pitot tubes were used. Several conditions were checked with various end-plates those had different opening areas. Experiment results show that forces and flow velocity had different tendency with those expected, and the presence of a end-plate slows down the flow velocity in the cylindrical tube and affects pressure field in the tube to push the model submerged body forward of the tube. This tendency grows with decreasing opened area.