Buffer zone implementation at residential area

In developing countries, urbanisation has been synonymous with industrialisation where the growth of industries offer job opportunities and incentives for economic development, urban settlements and rapid housing expansions. In Malaysia the lack of awareness compliance of buffer zone implementation for urban development of the housing may have to nestle within industrial establishment. Industrial activities often cause environmental problems such as excessive noise levels and poor air quality, which is turn affect the natural environment, health and comforts of life in the residential-industrial neighbourhood. This paper reports the findings regarding the buffer zone implementation in residential-industrial neighbourhood. This paper reviews the comparison data of noise level measurement in the residential area with and without buffer zone. The experimental method is carried out to measure the noise level in the residential area which is having buffer zone and without buffer zone. The data will analysis by using the Microsoft Excel to get the average of noise produced. It responds to the lack of environmental policies for housing development in residential-industrial areas in Malaysia. The ongoing development of this research will eventually lead to increase the awareness among the construction industry players for promoting the use of buffer zone implementation guidelines in these residential areas.