DR(eye)VE: A Dataset for Attention-Based Tasks with Applications to Autonomous and Assisted Driving

Autonomous and assisted driving are undoubtedly hot topics in computer vision. However, the driving task is extremely complex and a deep understanding of drivers' behavior is still lacking. Several researchers are now investigating the attention mechanism in order to define computational models for detecting salient and interesting objects in the scene. Nevertheless, most of these models only refer to bottom up visual saliency and are focused on still images. Instead, during the driving experience the temporal nature and peculiarity of the task influence the attention mechanisms, leading to the conclusion that real life driving data is mandatory. In this paper we propose a novel and publicly available dataset acquired during actual driving. Our dataset, composed by more than 500,000 frames, contains drivers' gaze fixations and their temporal integration providing task-specific saliency maps. Geo-referenced locations, driving speed and course complete the set of released data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first publicly available dataset of this kind and can foster new discussions on better understanding, exploiting and reproducing the driver's attention process in the autonomous and assisted cars of future generations.

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