The academic performance acquires increasingly relevancy for the teachers of the different educational levels (Abalde et al., 2009). The percentage of failing students and the rates of school abandon centre the research on these aspects of the education. In Spain, the rate of early abandon of the studies is near 30 , on the other hand, in the European Union (EU) around 17. In the last years the abandons on the EU has experimented a light decrease whereas in Spain they are kept constant (Roca, 2010). What factors do this failure and school such a worrying abandon cause? There are known the predictive factors of risk (Aramendi et al., 2011): poverty, belonging to an ethnic minority, immigrants’ family, ignorance of the majority language, type of school and its location, lack of social support and besides others like social and cultural characters (Serna et al., 2008). Some authors appear towards the internal relation between the school processes of learning, the performance, the success or the failure (Castejón et al., 1996; Castejón & Perez, 1998). For others, the academic goals are the preponderant factor caused by the students and their motivation or lack of motivation due to the academic results (Barca et al., 2011). This research is going to be focused in secondary education, it is important to know that secondary students consider these studies “very boring, very much use of book and many hours of class, but what is learned does not serve for almost at all” (Vega & Aramendi, 2010, p. 13). In this stage the curriculum goes away dividing and the education becomes eminently explanatory by the help of textbooks. Guarro (2005) warns that an excessive abstraction exists in secondary studies, being too abstract problems and exercises. In relation with the learning of the sciences, the students of EU “have a positive attitude in biology in 57 of the cases, 55 in tHe InFLUenCe oF teACHInG MetHoDoLoGIes In tHe LeARnInG oF tHeRMoDYnAMICs In seConDARY eDUCAtIon

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