Saudi Consumers' Perceptions of Foreign Products

Into the importance of such knowledge for the determination of successful international marketing strategies. A consumer's perception of the country of origin can be an important factor influencing his purchase decision.A limited number of studies have examined Saudi consumers' attitudes toward foreign products (Bhuian, 1997; AI-Hammad, 1988). These studies assume importance due to a changing attitude of a section of the Saudis towards the United States and some western countries. Since the terrorism attack on the USA on 11 September 2001 and the prelude to the American led invasion of Iraq, some consumers in the Arab world have, generally shown a lesser preference for American and western products, and have even discussed in the press for active boycott of products made in these countries (MacFarquhar, 2002, AbuNasr, 2002). In response to these gaps in COO literature, this paper attempts to investigate product-country images of Saudi consumers in the changing environment and discuss the implications of these.