New Pogonophora from Indonesia
A small collection of Pogonophora made by the research vessel Te Vega in 1963 was deposited in the Ausltralian Museum (AM) by Dr A. A. Racek of Sydney University, and has been sent to me for identification. It includes seven species, all from one locality in the outer part of Teluk Kau, a large bay on the oceanic side of Halmahera Island in the Molucca Group. Nineteen species of Pogonophora are already known from the Indonesian region in general, collected by the Siboga, Galathea and Vitiaz (Kirkegaard, 1956; Ivanov, 1960, 1963; Southward, 1961). The nearest locality to the Te Vega station is a Vitiaz station off the north coast of Morotai, from which two species of Siboglinum were recorded (Ivanov, 1960', 1963).