An Interactive and Intelligent Tool for Circuit Component Recognition Through Virtual Reality

The electronic products that support the needs in our daily life require a long drawn out process for its development and building. Every step from scratch i.e. requirement collection to integration and testing, involves a lot of time consuming tasks. Generally, a technically sound person with good knowledge in simulation is assigned to carry out these tasks, yet it fritters away time. The idea proposed here is an application for generating NetList for the circuit drawn through hand gesture, powered by virtual reality. The application gets input from the user’s hand gesture using an additional hardware called leap motion sensor. This enables the users to draw any kind of circuit, of any size with any number of components. The completed circuit is captured and further processing is carried out. The circuit is isolated, recognized and segregation of the wires and components takes place in the consecutive phases. The next step involves identification of individual components and the aggregated NetList will be generated in the final step. And also, complex circuit which cannot fit into a limited space can be visualized in the virtual environment.