Development Of Student Worksheets Based On M-APOS Approach With Mind Mapping To Improve Mathematical Communication Ability Of Grade VII Students Of Middle School

The purpose of this study is to produce valid, practical and effective M-APOS-based SMP / MTs math worksheets. Its effectiveness is seen from students' mathematical communication skills. This research is a development research with Plomp model with three stages, namely preliminary research, Development or Prototyping Phase, and assessment phase. The subjects of this study were Grade VII students of SMP Negeri 1, Kapur District IX. The research instruments were validation sheets, teacher and student response questionnaires, observation sheets, and tests. This research has produced a valid, practical and effective worksheet. Teachers and students gave a good response to these worksheets because it helps them in the learning process. Learning becomes efficient and students can understand easily the mathematical concepts that they learned. These worksheets also generate students’ interest in learning and it can improve students' mathematical communication skills.