Do Mathematics Interactive Classrooms Help Academics Engage Learners (MICHAEL)
MSOR Connections Nov 2003 Vol 3 No 4 In recent editions of this newsletter, Ray Inverno (2003) and Ernst Wit (2003) have described the benefits of using the PRS Personal Response System or “zappers” in mathematics teaching. PRS has been well used at Portsmouth for over 5 years (McCabe, Heal and White, 2001) in several subject areas, including mathematics, and prior to that a more expensive system called Teamworker (Irving, 2000) was used. In fact, the PRS system is just one of several “group response systems”, which are themselves a subset of the more powerful “classroom communications systems”. Michael McCabe has been exploring the use of these interactive classrooms in his National Teaching Fellowship project LOLA (Live and On-Line Assessment). The following lighthearted (and partly true!) conversation attempts to explain how this work has evolved: ***** “Oh, so you use those zapper things in your teaching! Isn’t it like asking the audience in that dreadful millionaire game show ?”, commented a grade 5 applied maths research-focused lecturer from the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation.
[1] Ray d’Inverno. Making Lectures Interactive , 2003 .
[2] Martin John Read,et al. Use of information technology in exam revision , 2000 .
[3] E. Wit. Who wants to be… The use of a personal response system in statistics teaching , 2003 .
[4] Robert J. Dufresne,et al. Classtalk: A classroom communication system for active learning , 1996, J. Comput. High. Educ..