Workshop on animal models of traumatic brain injury.

[1]  L. Pitts,et al.  Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier after fluid percussive brain injury in the rat. Part 1: Distribution and time course of protein extravasation. , 1992, Journal of neurotrauma.

[2]  D. Hovda,et al.  Administration of Excitatory Amino Acid Antagonists via Microdialysis Attenuates the Increase in Glucose Utilization Seen following Concussive Brain Injury , 1992, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

[3]  L. Pitts,et al.  Immunolocalization of Heat Shock Protein after Fluid Percussive Brain Injury and Relationship to Breakdown of the Blood-Brain Barrier , 1993, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

[4]  D. Lowenstein,et al.  Mild experimental brain injury in the rat induces cognitive deficits associated with regional neuronal loss in the hippocampus. , 1993, Journal of neurotrauma.

[5]  L. Phillips,et al.  Expression of c-fos in the hippocampus following mild and moderate fluid percussion brain injury. , 1992, Journal of neurotrauma.

[6]  D. Prough,et al.  Reduced cerebral blood flow, oxygen delivery, and electroencephalographic activity after traumatic brain injury and mild hemorrhage in cats. , 1992, Journal of neurosurgery.

[7]  R. Hayes,et al.  Effects of scopolamine treatment on long-term behavioral deficits following concussive brain injury to the rat , 1988, Brain Research.

[8]  R. Hayes,et al.  Cognitive deficits following traumatic brain injury produced by controlled cortical impact. , 1992, Journal of neurotrauma.

[9]  D. I. Lewis,et al.  Angiotensin II in the spinal cord of the rat and its sympatho-excitatory effects , 1993, Brain Research.

[10]  Thomas L. Smith,et al.  The effects of traumatic brain injury on regional cerebral blood flow in rats. , 1988, Journal of neurotrauma.

[11]  T. Mcintosh,et al.  Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Rats as Measured with Radiolabeled Microspheres , 1989, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

[12]  Y. Katayama,et al.  Activation of pontine cholinergic sites implicated in unconsciousness following cerebral concussion in the cat. , 1984, Science.

[13]  J. Miller,et al.  Fluid-percussion model of mechanical brain injury in the cat. , 1976, Journal of neurosurgery.

[14]  D. Becker,et al.  Traumatic brain injury produces impairments in long-term and recent memory , 1993, Brain Research.

[15]  Ronald L. Hayes,et al.  The effect of concussive head injury on central cholinergic neurons , 1988, Brain Research.

[16]  J. Povlishock,et al.  Pathobiology of traumatically induced axonal injury in animals and man. , 1993, Annals of emergency medicine.

[17]  G. Clifton,et al.  Pretreatment with phencyclidine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonist, attenuates long-term behavioral deficits in the rat produced by traumatic brain injury. , 1988, Journal of neurotrauma.

[18]  J. W. Lighthall,et al.  Controlled cortical impact: a new experimental brain injury model. , 1988, Journal of neurotrauma.

[19]  G. Clifton,et al.  Combined pretrauma scopolamine and phencyclidine attenuate posttraumatic increased sensitivity to delayed secondary ischemia. , 1988, Journal of neurotrauma.

[20]  B. Pike,et al.  Selective cognitive impairment following traumatic brain injury in rats , 1993, Behavioural Brain Research.

[21]  J. Povlishock,et al.  Axonal response to traumatic brain injury: reactive axonal change, deafferentation, and neuroplasticity. , 1992, Journal of neurotrauma.

[22]  R. Hayes,et al.  Effects of traumatic brain injury in rats on binding to forebrain opiate receptor subtypes. , 1992, Molecular and chemical neuropathology.

[23]  Ronald L. Hayes,et al.  A controlled cortical impact model of traumatic brain injury in the rat , 1991, Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

[24]  J. Robertson,et al.  Early assessment of neurologic deficits in the fluid percussion model of brain injury. , 1993, Journal of neurotrauma.

[25]  R. Vink,et al.  Mitochondrial metabolism following traumatic brain injury in rats. , 1990, Journal of neurotrauma.

[26]  J. Schweitzer,et al.  Cerebral blood flow decreased by adrenergic stimulation of cerebral vessels in anesthetized newborn pigs with traumatic brain injury. , 1993, Journal of neurosurgery.

[27]  D. Prough,et al.  Regional cerebrovascular responses to progressive hypotension after traumatic brain injury in cats. , 1992, The American journal of physiology.

[28]  J. Adams,et al.  Selective vulnerability of hippocampal neurons in acceleration-induced experimental head injury. , 1991, Journal of neurotrauma.

[29]  J. Povlishock,et al.  Functional, Morphological, and Metabolic Abnormalities of the Cerebral Microcirculation after Concussive Brain Injury in Cats , 1980, Circulation research.

[30]  L. W. Jenkins,et al.  Excitatory amino acid receptor subtype binding following traumatic brain injury , 1990, Brain Research.

[31]  J. Adams,et al.  Diffuse axonal injury and traumatic coma in the primate , 1982, Annals of neurology.

[32]  A. Marmarou,et al.  Comparative studies of edema produced by fluid percussion injury with lateral and central modes of injury in cats. , 1990, Advances in neurology.

[33]  H. Kontos,et al.  Endothelium-dependent responses after experimental brain injury. , 1992, Journal of neurotrauma.

[34]  D. Lowenstein,et al.  Selective vulnerability of dentate hilar neurons following traumatic brain injury: a potential mechanistic link between head trauma and disorders of the hippocampus , 1992, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

[35]  Y. Katayama,et al.  Enduring suppression of hippocampal long-term potentiation following traumatic brain injury in rat , 1992, Brain Research.

[36]  L. Pitts,et al.  The effects of hypovolemic hypotension on high-energy phosphate metabolism of traumatized brain in rats. , 1988, Journal of neurosurgery.

[37]  Douglas H. Smith,et al.  Decreased α1-adrenergic receptors after experimental brain injury , 1992 .

[38]  L. Noble,et al.  Traumatic brain injury in the rat: characterization of a midline fluid-percussion model. , 1987, Central nervous system trauma : journal of the American Paralysis Association.

[39]  G. Clifton,et al.  Prolonged memory impairment in the absence of hippocampal cell death following traumatic brain injury in the rat , 1990, Brain Research.

[40]  D. Hovda,et al.  Dynamic changes in local cerebral glucose utilization following cerebral concussion in rats: evidence of a hyper- and subsequent hypometabolic state , 1991, Brain Research.

[41]  J. W. Lighthall,et al.  Characterization of axonal injury produced by controlled cortical impact. , 1990, Journal of neurotrauma.

[42]  M. Thomas,et al.  Evaluation of memory dysfunction following experimental brain injury using the Morris water maze. , 1991, Journal of neurotrauma.

[43]  D. Prough,et al.  Experimental traumatic brain injury elevates brain prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane B2 levels in rats. , 1988, Journal of neurotrauma.

[44]  L. Pitts,et al.  Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier after fluid percussion brain injury in the rat: Part 2: Effect of hypoxia on permeability to plasma proteins. , 1992, Journal of neurotrauma.

[45]  A. Marmarou,et al.  A fluid percussion model of experimental brain injury in the rat. , 1987, Journal of neurosurgery.

[46]  L. Noble,et al.  Experimental fluid percussion brain injury: vascular disruption and neuronal and glial alterations , 1989, Brain Research.

[47]  D. Hovda,et al.  Diffuse prolonged depression of cerebral oxidative metabolism following concussive brain injury in the rat: a cytochrome oxidase histochemistry study , 1991, Brain Research.

[48]  J. Miller,et al.  Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow after experimental fluid percussion injury of the brain. , 1980, Journal of neurosurgery.

[49]  A. Marmarou,et al.  Evaluation of brain-stem dysfunction following severe fluid-percussion head injury to the cat. , 1991, Journal of neurosurgery.

[50]  R. Vink,et al.  Bioenergetic analysis of oxidative metabolism following traumatic brain injury in rats. , 1994, Journal of neurotrauma.

[51]  R. Vink,et al.  Effect of Noncompetitive Blockade of N‐Methyl‐d‐Aspartate Receptors on the Neurochemical Sequelae of Experimental Brain Injury , 1990, Journal of neurochemistry.

[52]  L. Noble,et al.  Traumatic brain injury in the rat: Characterization of a lateral fluid-percussion model , 1989, Neuroscience.