Premo: DreamWorks Animation's New Approach to Animation
Premo offers a state-of-the-art animator experience with fully deforming characters, complex environments, and real-time lighting that is indicative of final rendered images. The technology used in Premo unlocks novel workflows that keep an animator highly efficient and engaged in the creative process. The result is a natural interface for 3D animation, in contrast to the highly technical interfaces often required by other professional animation tools. Premo was successfully deployed on the feature animated film How to Train Your Dragon 2 and is now being used by all DreamWorks animators.
[1] Alex Wells,et al. Premo: a natural-interaction animation platform , 2014, SIGGRAPH '14.
[2] Guido Zimmermann,et al. Building highly parallel character rigs , 2014, SIGGRAPH '14.
[3] Michael Hutchinson,et al. LibEE: a multithreaded dependency graph for character animation , 2012, DigiPro '12.