VAV시스템에서의 에너지 절략을 위한 죤별 적정 송풍량 산정에 관한 연구 ( A Study on the Optimum Supply Air Volume for Energy Conservation in VAV System Zoning )

Recently, as energy consumption increases due to the increased HVAC fields in commercial/residential building, the effort to minimize the energy consumption through fan operation cost reduction are being performed. The aims of this study is to estimate optimum supply air volume in VAV(Variable Air Volume) system zonning through cost analysis by computer simulation, and to suggest guidelines which can help architects to design energy-conscious buildings. As a result of this study, optimum supply air volume in F.C.U(Fan Coil Unit)+VAV system are estimated 18,900MH, and in VAV ALL AIR system are 51,300MH. If this volume are converted to area, it will be 580m2, 1583m2.