Mantle Samples Included in Volcanic Rocks: Xenoliths and Diamonds

[1]  G. Dreibus,et al.  Re-Os isotope systematics and platinum group element fractionation during mantle melt extraction: a study of massif and xenolith peridotite suites , 2004 .

[2]  R. Carlson,et al.  Hf Isotope Systematics of Kimberlites and their Megacrysts: New Constraints on their Source Regions , 2004 .

[3]  B. Harte,et al.  Tracing Lithosphere Evolution through the Analysis of Heterogeneous G9---G10 Garnets in Peridotite Xenoliths, II: REE Chemistry , 2004 .

[4]  D. Ionov Chemical Variations in Peridotite Xenoliths from Vitim, Siberia: Inferences for REE and Hf Behaviour in the Garnet-Facies Upper Mantle , 2004 .

[5]  G. Dreibus,et al.  A Re–Os isotope and PGE study of kimberlite-derived peridotite xenoliths from Somerset Island and a comparison to the Slave and Kaapvaal cratons , 2003 .

[6]  R. Carlson,et al.  The origin of garnet and clinopyroxene in ''depleted'' Kaapvaal peridotites , 2003 .

[7]  D. Pearson,et al.  Dating Mantle Differentiation: a comparison of the Lu-Hf, Re-Os &Sm-Nd isotope systems in the Beni Bousera peridotite massif and constraints on the Nd-Hf isotope composition of the lithospheric mantle. , 2003 .

[8]  J. Harris,et al.  Mass-Independent Sulfur of Inclusions in Diamond and Sulfur Recycling on Early Earth , 2002, Science.

[9]  W. McDonough,et al.  Geochemistry of xenolithic eclogites from West Africa, part 2: origins of the high MgO eclogites , 2002 .

[10]  J. Bodinier,et al.  Mechanisms and Sources of Mantle Metasomatism: Major and Trace Element Compositions of Peridotite Xenoliths from Spitsbergen in the Context of Numerical Modelling , 2002 .

[11]  J. Bodinier,et al.  Sr–Nd–Pb Isotopic Compositions of Peridotite Xenoliths from Spitsbergen: Numerical Modelling Indicates Sr–Nd Decoupling in the Mantle by Melt Percolation Metasomatism , 2002 .

[12]  R. Carlson,et al.  ReOs and UPb geochronological constraints on the eclogite–tonalite connection in the Archean Man Shield, West Africa , 2002 .

[13]  D. Pearson,et al.  The continental lithospheric mantle: characteristics and significance as a mantle reservoir , 2002, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[14]  Cindy Lee Platinum-group element geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths from the Sierra Nevada and the Basin and Range, California , 2002 .

[15]  S. H. Richardson,et al.  Diamond Genesis, Seismic Structure, and Evolution of the Kaapvaal-Zimbabwe Craton , 2002, Science.

[16]  B. Griffin,et al.  Carbon and nitrogen isotope systematics within a sector-growth diamond from the Mir kimberlite, Yakutia , 2002 .

[17]  M. Moreira,et al.  Helium signature of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle , 2002 .

[18]  D. Ionov,et al.  HFSE residence and Nb/Ta ratios in metasomatised, rutile-bearing mantle peridotites , 2002 .

[19]  R. Carlson,et al.  Re-Os evidence for replacement of ancient mantle lithosphere beneath the North China Craton , 2002 .

[20]  D. Ionov,et al.  Trace element distribution in calcite-dolomite carbonatites from Spitskop: inferences for differentiation of carbonatite magmas and the origin of carbonates in mantle xenoliths , 2002 .

[21]  R. Burgess,et al.  Constraints on the age and halogen composition of mantle fluids in Siberian coated diamonds , 2002 .

[22]  D. Pearson,et al.  Microanalysis of δ13C, δ15N, and N abundances in diamonds by secondary ion mass spectrometry , 2002 .

[23]  S. S. Schmidberger,et al.  Probing Archean lithosphere using the Lu-Hf isotope systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Somerset Island kimberlites, Canada , 2002 .

[24]  W. Griffin,et al.  In situ measurement of Re-Os isotopes in mantle sulfides by laser ablation multicollector-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: analytical methods and preliminary results , 2002 .

[25]  M. Grégoire,et al.  Trace element geochemistry of phlogopite-rich mafic mantle xenoliths: their classification and their relationship to phlogopite-bearing peridotites and kimberlites revisited , 2002 .

[26]  J. Eiler,et al.  Melt depletion and subsequent metasomatism in the shallow mantle beneath Koolau volcano, Oahu (Hawaii) , 2002 .

[27]  D. Canil Vanadium in peridotites, mantle redox and tectonic environments: Archean to present , 2002 .

[28]  R. Carlson,et al.  The Lu-Hf isotope composition of cratonic lithosphere: disequilibrium between garnet and clinopyroxene in kimberlite xenoliths , 2002 .

[29]  T. Shumilova Carbynoid carbon and its pseudomorphs after diamond in the eclogitization zone (Shumikha complex, Central Urals) , 2002 .

[30]  R. Carlson,et al.  The development of lithospheric keels beneath the earliest continents: time constraints using PGE and Re-Os isotope systematics , 2002, Geological Society, London, Special Publications.

[31]  Stefan Aulbach,et al.  Kankan diamonds (Guinea) III: δ13C and nitrogen characteristics of deep diamonds , 2002 .

[32]  G. Layne,et al.  Rare earth element diffusion in a natural pyrope single crystal at 2.8 GPa , 2002 .

[33]  N. Chatterjee,et al.  The Spatial Distribution of Garnets and Pyroxenes in Mantle Peridotites: Pressure–Temperature History of Peridotites from the Kaapvaal Craton , 2001 .

[34]  P. Roeder,et al.  The Range of Spinel Compositions in Terrestrial Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks , 2001 .

[35]  S. S. Schmidberger,et al.  Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systematics of mantle xenoliths from Somerset Island kimberlites: Evidence for lithosphere stratification beneath Arctic Canada , 2001 .

[36]  C. Alexander Inherited material from the protosolar cloud: composition and origin , 2001, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[37]  S. H. Richardson,et al.  Archean subduction recorded by Re–Os isotopes in eclogitic sulfide inclusions in Kimberley diamonds , 2001 .

[38]  J. Lorand,et al.  Platinum-group element abundances in the upper mantle: New constraints from in situ and whole-rock analyses of Massif Central xenoliths (France) , 2001 .

[39]  C. McCammon Deep Diamond Mysteries , 2001, Science.

[40]  M. Hursthouse,et al.  Mineral inclusions in diamonds: associations and chemical distinctions around the 670-km discontinuity , 2001 .

[41]  S. H. Richardson,et al.  Archean emplacement of eclogitic components into the lithospheric mantle during formation of the Kaapvaal Craton , 2001 .

[42]  R. Carlson,et al.  Lithospheric mantle evolution of the Kaapvaal Craton: A Re‐Os isotope study of peridotite xenoliths from Lesotho kimberlites , 2001 .

[43]  S. S. Schmidberger,et al.  Constraints on the Trace Element Composition of the Archean Mantle Root beneath Somerset Island, Arctic Canada , 2001 .

[44]  O. Navon,et al.  Brine inclusions in diamonds: a new upper mantle fluid , 2001 .

[45]  Cin-Ty A. Lee,et al.  Preservation of ancient and fertile lithospheric mantle beneath the southwestern United States , 2001, Nature.

[46]  W. McDonough,et al.  Geochemistry of xenolithic eclogites from West Africa, Part I: A link between low MgO eclogites and Archean crust formation , 2001 .

[47]  R. Walker,et al.  Osmium isotopic compositions of mantle xenoliths: A global perspective , 2001 .

[48]  P. Deines,et al.  Implications of the carbon isotope and mineral inclusion record for the formation of diamonds in the mantle underlying a mobile belt: Venetia, South Africa , 2001 .

[49]  G. Dipple,et al.  Heat production and heat flow in the mantle lithosphere, Slave craton, Canada , 2001 .

[50]  P. Cartigny,et al.  Diamond genesis, mantle fractionations and mantle nitrogen content: a study of δ13C–N concentrations in diamonds , 2001 .

[51]  W. Griffin,et al.  Superdeep diamonds from the Juina area, Mato Grosso State, Brazil , 2001, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology.

[52]  J. Blusztajn,et al.  Osmium isotopes in the Wiedemann Fjord mantle xenoliths: A unique record of cratonic mantle formation by melt depletion in the Archaean , 2001 .

[53]  J. V. Van Orman,et al.  Rare earth element diffusion in diopside: influence of temperature, pressure, and ionic radius, and an elastic model for diffusion in silicates , 2001 .

[54]  G. Irvine Time constraints on the formation of lithospheric mantle beneath cratons : a Re-Os isotope and platinum group element study of peridotite xenoliths from northern Canada and Lesotho , 2001 .

[55]  J. Dawson,et al.  The distribution and behaviour of rhenium and osmium amongst mantle minerals and the age of the lithospheric mantle beneath Tanzania , 2000 .

[56]  D. Canil,et al.  Clinopyroxene-liquid partitioning for vanadium and the oxygen fugacity during formation of cratonic and oceanic mantle lithosphere , 2000 .

[57]  S. M. Bezborodov,et al.  Diamonds and Their Mineral Inclusions, and What They Tell Us: A Detailed “Pull-Apart” of a Diamondiferous Eclogite , 2000 .

[58]  Werner Joswig,et al.  Kankan diamonds (Guinea) II: lower mantle inclusion parageneses , 2000 .

[59]  W. Griffin,et al.  Non-chondritic distribution of the highly siderophile elements in mantle sulphides , 2000, Nature.

[60]  D. Günther,et al.  Modal metasomatism in the Kaapvaal craton lithosphere: constraints on timing and genesis from U–Pb zircon dating of metasomatized peridotites and MARID-type xenoliths , 2000 .

[61]  J. Valley,et al.  Coesite eclogites from the Roberts Victor kimberlite, South Africa , 2000 .

[62]  Marc M. Hirschmann,et al.  Mantle solidus: Experimental constraints and the effects of peridotite composition , 2000 .

[63]  Chesley,et al.  Osmium isotopic evidence for mesozoic removal of lithospheric mantle beneath the sierra nevada, california , 2000, Science.

[64]  P. Nimis,et al.  Single clinopyroxene thermobarometry for garnet peridotites. Part I. Calibration and testing of a Cr-in-Cpx barometer and an enstatite-in-Cpx thermometer , 2000 .

[65]  M. Hutchison,et al.  Experimental evidence for the origin of two kinds of inclusions in diamonds from the deep mantle , 2000 .

[66]  J. Russell,et al.  Chemical stratification of cratonic lithosphere: constraints from the Northern Slave craton, Canada , 2000 .

[67]  Viljoen,et al.  Remobilization in the cratonic lithosphere recorded in polycrystalline diamond , 2000, Science.

[68]  W. McDonough,et al.  Petrologic and geochemical investigation of carbonates in peridotite xenoliths from northeastern Tanzania , 2000 .

[69]  M. Norman,et al.  Noble gases in pyroxenites and metasomatised peridotites from the Newer Volcanics, southeastern Australia: implications for mantle metasomatism , 2000 .

[70]  L. Reisberg,et al.  Os isotopic systematics in mantle xenoliths; age constraints on the Canadian Cordillera lithosphere , 2000 .

[71]  J. Morgan,et al.  190Pt–186Os and 187Re–187Os systematics of abyssal peridotites , 2000 .

[72]  D. Pearson Solvent extraction/anion exchange separation and determination of PGEs (Os, Ir, Pt, Pd, Ru) and Re-Os isotopes in geological samples by isotope dilution ICP-MS , 2000 .

[73]  J. Russell,et al.  Garnet from Cr- and Ca-saturated mantle: implications for diamond exploration , 2000 .

[74]  Barth,et al.  Rutile-bearing refractory eclogites: missing link between continents and depleted mantle , 2000, Science.

[75]  F. Albarède,et al.  The Nature of the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: Hf Isotope Evidence from Garnet Peridotite Xenoliths from Siberia , 2000 .

[76]  W. Griffin,et al.  Diamonds from the deep: pipe DO-27, Slave Craton, Canada , 2000 .

[77]  B. Harte,et al.  Extreme chemical variation in complex diamonds from George Creek, Colorado: a SIMS study of carbon isotope composition and nitrogen abundance , 1999, Mineralogical Magazine.

[78]  J. Harris,et al.  Carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen abundances in relation to cathodoluminescence characteristics for some diamonds from the Kaapvaal Province, S. Africa , 1999, Mineralogical Magazine.

[79]  J. Bodinier,et al.  Distribution of incompatible trace elements between the constituents of spinel peridotite xenoliths: ICP-MS data from the East African rift , 1999 .


[81]  B. Marty,et al.  Volatiles (He, C, N, Ar) in mid-ocean ridge basalts: assesment of shallow-level fractionation and characterization of source composition , 1999 .

[82]  V. Bennett,et al.  Behaviour of Platinum-group elements in the subcontinental mantle of eastern Australia during variable metasomatism and melt depletion , 1999 .

[83]  J. Fitton,et al.  Non-chondritic platinum-group element ratios in oceanic mantle lithosphere: petrogenetic signature of melt percolation? , 1999 .

[84]  R. Carlson,et al.  Isotopic constraints on time scales and mechanisms of slab material transport in the mantle wedge: evidence from the Simcoe mantle xenoliths, Washington, USA , 1999 .

[85]  D. Günther,et al.  Trace element compositions of minerals in garnet and spinel peridotite xenoliths from the Vitim volcanic field, Transbaikalia, eastern Siberia , 1999 .

[86]  S. S. Schmidberger,et al.  Nature of the mantle roots beneath the North American craton: mantle xenolith evidence from Somerset Island kimberlites , 1999 .

[87]  D. Pearson The age of continental roots , 1999 .

[88]  D. Jacob,et al.  Evidence for Archean ocean crust with low high field strength element signature from diamondiferous , 1999 .

[89]  D. Canil The Ni-in-garnet geothermometer: calibration at natural abundances , 1999 .

[90]  Haggerty,et al.  A diamond trilogy: superplumes, supercontinents, and supernovae , 1999, Science.

[91]  A. Girnis,et al.  Garnet-spinel-olivine-orthopyroxene equilibria in the FeO-MgO-Al 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -Cr 2 O 3 systems; II, Thermodynamic analysis , 1999 .

[92]  J. Macdougall,et al.  Ultradeep xenoliths from African kimberlites: Sr and Nd isotopic compositions suggest complex history , 1999 .

[93]  J. Lorand,et al.  Fractionation of Platinum-group Elements and Gold in the Upper Mantle: a Detailed Study in Pyrenean Orogenic Lherzolites , 1999 .

[94]  D. Lowry,et al.  Oxygen isotope composition of syngenetic inclusions in diamond from the Finsch Mine, RSA , 1999 .

[95]  Jerome H. Friedman,et al.  Cr-Pyrope Garnets in the Lithospheric Mantle. I. Compositional Systematics and Relations to Tectonic Setting , 1999 .

[96]  J. Russell,et al.  A steady state conductive geotherm for the north central Slave, Canada: Inversion of petrological data from the Jericho Kimberlite pipe , 1999 .

[97]  Cin-Ty A. Lee,et al.  Re-Os systematics of mantle xenoliths from the East African Rift: age, structure, and history of the Tanzanian craton , 1999 .

[98]  J. Mackenzie,et al.  Composition and thermal evolution of cratonic mantle beneath the central Archean Slave Province, NWT, Canada , 1999 .

[99]  R. Carlson,et al.  Re-Os isotope measurements of single sulfide inclusions in a Siberian diamond and its nitrogen aggregation systematics , 1999 .

[100]  P. Cartigny,et al.  Carbon and nitrogen compositions and physical characteristics of transition zone and lower mantle diamonds from Sao Luiz, Brazil , 1999 .

[101]  W. Griffin,et al.  Harzburgite to lherzolite and back again: metasomatic processes in ultramafic xenoliths from the Wesselton kimberlite, Kimberley, South Africa , 1999 .

[102]  S. Mertzman,et al.  Water–rock interactions, orthopyroxene growth, and Si-enrichment in the mantle: evidence in xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau, southwestern United States , 1999 .

[103]  W. Griffin,et al.  The composition and origin of sub-continental lithospheric mantle , 1999 .

[104]  J. Russell,et al.  Petrology of Peridotite and Pyroxenite Xenoliths from the Jericho Kimberlite: Implications for the Thermal State of the Mantle beneath the Slave Craton, Northern Canada , 1999 .

[105]  G. Dreibus,et al.  Evidence from correlated Ir/Os and Cu/S for late-stage Os mobility in peridotite xenoliths: Implications for Re-Os systematics , 1999 .

[106]  F. Siena,et al.  Carbonatite Metasomatism of the Oceanic Upper Mantle: Evidence from Clinopyroxenes and Glasses in Ultramafic Xenoliths of Grande Comore, Indian Ocean , 1999 .

[107]  E. Vicenzi,et al.  Microstructural observations of polycrystalline diamond: a contribution to the carbonado conundrum , 1998 .

[108]  S. Hart,et al.  Silica enrichment in the continental upper mantle via melt/rock reaction , 1998 .

[109]  D. Ionov Trace Element Composition of Mantle-derived Carbonates and Coexisting Phasesin Peridotite Xenoliths from Alkali Basalts , 1998 .

[110]  P. N. Anderson,et al.  Unusual upper mantle beneath Guaniamo, Guyana shield, Venezuela: Evidence from diamond inclusions , 1998 .

[111]  D. Green,et al.  Carbonatite metasomatism in the southeastern Australian lithosphere , 1998 .

[112]  R. Carlson,et al.  Sulphide inclusions in diamonds from the Koffiefontein kimberlite, S Africa: Constraints on diamond ages and mantle Re-Os systematics , 1998 .

[113]  D. Lowry,et al.  Comment on ‘the origins of Yakutian Eclogite Xenoliths’ by G. A. Snyder, L. A. Taylor, G. Crozaz, A. N. Halliday, B. L. Beard, V. N. Sobolev and N. V. Sobolev , 1998 .

[114]  H. G. David,et al.  Reactions between eclogite and peridotite; mantle refertilisation by subduction of oceanic crust , 1998 .

[115]  A. D. Saunders,et al.  High precision Hf isotope measurements of MORB and OIB by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry: insights into the depleted mantle , 1998 .

[116]  J. Matsuda,et al.  A noble gas study of cubic diamonds from Zaire: constraints on their mantle source , 1998 .

[117]  J. Konzett,et al.  The timing of MARID metasomatism in the Kaapvaal mantle: An ion probe study of zircons from MARID xenoliths , 1998 .

[118]  N. Rogers,et al.  The petrogenesis of the eastern Pyrenean peridotites: an integrated study of their whole-rock geochemistry and Re-Os isotope composition , 1998 .

[119]  K. Viljoen,et al.  Metasomatic processes in lherzolitic and harzburgitic domains of diamondiferous lithospheric mantle: REE in garnets from xenoliths and inclusions in diamonds , 1998 .

[120]  Harris,et al.  Eclogitic diamond formation at jwaneng: No room for a recycled component , 1998, Science.

[121]  P. Cartigny,et al.  Subduction-related diamonds? — The evidence for a mantle-derived origin from coupled δ13C–δ15N determinations , 1998 .

[122]  D. Mattey,et al.  He, Ar and C isotopes in coated and polycrystalline diamonds , 1998 .

[123]  W. Taylor An experimental test of some geothermometr and geobarometer formulations for upper mantle peridotites with application to the thermobarometry of fertile lherzolite and garnte websterite , 1998 .


[125]  A. Menzies,et al.  Regional age variation of the southern African mantle: significance for models of lithospheric mantle formation , 1998 .

[126]  S. Mertzman,et al.  Spinel-facies peridotites from the Kaapvaal root , 1998 .

[127]  M. Hamilton,et al.  Constraints on MARID petrogenesis: SHRIMP II U-Pb zircon evidence for pre-eruption metasomatism at Kampfersdam , 1998 .

[128]  J. Harris,et al.  Syngenetic inclusion bearing diamonds from Letseng-la-Terai, Lesotho , 1998 .

[129]  O. Navon Diamond formation in the Earth's mantle , 1998 .

[130]  D. Pearson,et al.  Microscale variations in C and N isotopes within mantle diamonds revealed by SIMS , 1998 .

[131]  Shimizu,et al.  Osmium isotopic evidence for ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the kerguelen islands, southern indian ocean , 1998, Science.

[132]  W. McDonough,et al.  Thermal structure, thickness and composition of continental lithosphere , 1998 .


[134]  M. Bostock,et al.  Xenolith evidence for lithospheric melting above anomalously hot mantle under the northern Canadian Cordillera , 1998 .

[135]  M. Menzies,et al.  Texture–Temperature–Geochemistry Relationships in the Upper Mantle as Revealed from Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from Wangqing, NE China , 1998 .

[136]  M. Norman Melting and metasomatism in the continental lithosphere: laser ablation ICPMS analysis of minerals in spinel lherzolites from eastern Australia , 1998 .

[137]  B. Wood,et al.  The beginning of melting of fertile and depleted peridotite at 1.5 GPa , 1998 .

[138]  G. Harlow The nature of diamonds , 1997 .

[139]  D. Pearson Lithospheric evolution in circum-cratonic settings: a Re-Os isotope study of peridotite xenoliths from the Vitim region, Siberia , 1998 .

[140]  M. Walter Melting of Garnet Peridotite and the Origin of Komatiite and Depleted Lithosphere , 1998 .

[141]  W. McDonough,et al.  The composition of peridotites and their minerals: a laser-ablation ICP–MS study , 1998 .


[143]  P. Cartigny,et al.  Nitrogen isotopes in peridotitic diamonds from Fuxian, China: the mantle signature , 1997 .

[144]  Dawson,et al.  Platinum-group element abundance patterns in different mantle environments , 1997, Science.

[145]  T. Stachel,et al.  Diamond precipitation and mantle metasomatism – evidence from the trace element chemistry of silicate inclusions in diamonds from Akwatia, Ghana , 1997 .

[146]  James R. Harris,et al.  Ferric iron content of mineral inclusions in diamonds from S , 1997 .

[147]  Stephen H. Richardson,et al.  Antiquity of peridotitic diamonds from the Siberian craton , 1997 .

[148]  W. Griffin,et al.  Volatile-bearing minerals and lithophile trace elements in the upper mantle , 1997 .

[149]  V. Bennett,et al.  The persistence of off-cratonic lithospheric mantle: Os isotopic systematics of variably metasomatised southeast Australian xenoliths , 1997 .

[150]  P. Deines,et al.  Carbon isotope ratios, nitrogen content and aggregation state, and inclusion chemistry of diamonds from Jwaneng, Botswana , 1997 .

[151]  S. Mertzman,et al.  Composition of the Siberian cratonic mantle: evidence from Udachnaya peridotite xenoliths , 1997 .

[152]  I. Mcdougall,et al.  Plume-like neon in a metasomatic apatite from the Australian lithospheric mantle , 1997, Nature.

[153]  B. Harte,et al.  A new tetragonal silicate mineral occurring as inclusions in lower-mantle diamonds , 1997, Nature.

[154]  B. Harte,et al.  Partitioning of trace elements between clinopyroxene and garnet: data from mantle eclogites , 1997 .

[155]  V. N. Sobolev,et al.  The Origins of Yakutian Eclogite Xenoliths , 1997 .

[156]  M. Menzies,et al.  Oxygen isotopic composition of hydrous and anhydrous mantle peridotites , 1997 .

[157]  L. Franz,et al.  Steady state geotherm, thermal disturbances, and tectonic development of the lower lithosphere underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Province, Namibia , 1996 .

[158]  R. Vannucci,et al.  Infiltration metasomatism at Lherz as monitored by systematic ion-microprobe investigations close to a hornblendite vein , 1996 .

[159]  C. Koeberl,et al.  Trace element analyses of fluid-bearing diamonds from Jwaneng, Botswana , 1996 .

[160]  L. Taylor,et al.  Petrography and geochemistry of eclogites from the Mir kimberlite, Yakutia, Russia , 1996 .

[161]  K. Viljoen,et al.  Stable and radiogenic isotope study of eclogite xenoliths from the Orapa kimberlite, Botswana , 1996 .

[162]  L. Franz,et al.  Reequilibration of Ultramafic Xenoliths from Namibia by Metasomatic Processes at the Mantle Boundary , 1996, The Journal of Geology.

[163]  A. Zindler,et al.  Mantle fluids: Evidence from fluid inclusions , 1996 .

[164]  V. N. Sobolev,et al.  Eclogitic inclusions in diamonds: Evidence of complex mantle processes over time , 1996 .

[165]  J. Ando,et al.  An experimental study of the garnet-perovskite transformation in the system MgSiO3Mg3Al2Si3O12 , 1996 .

[166]  H. O’Neill,et al.  Distribution of Ferric Iron in some Upper-Mantle Assemblages , 1996 .

[167]  T. K. Kyser,et al.  Sulfur isotope systematics and platinum group element behavior in REE-enriched metasomatic fluids: A study of mantle xenoliths from Dish Hill, California, USA , 1996 .

[168]  A. Davis,et al.  Contrasting styles of hydrous metasomatism in the upper mantle: An ion microprobe investigation , 1996 .

[169]  J. Fitton,et al.  Melt Enrichment of Shallow Depleted Mantle: a Detailed Petrological, Trace Element and Isotopic Study of Mantle-Derived Xenoliths and Megacrysts from the Cameroon Line , 1996 .

[170]  B. Harte,et al.  Determination of partition coefficients between apatite, clinopyroxene, amphibole, and melt in natural spinel lherzolites from Yemen: Implications for wet melting of the lithospheric mantle , 1996 .

[171]  C. Garrido,et al.  Distribution of niobium, tantalum, and other highly incompatible trace elements in the lithospheric mantle: The spinel paradox , 1996 .

[172]  J. Steude,et al.  Abundance and Distribution of Diamonds in Eclogite Revealed by Volume Visualization of CT X-Ray Scans , 1996, The Journal of Geology.

[173]  M. Menzies,et al.  Fluid processes in diamond to spinel facies shallow mantle , 1995 .

[174]  L. Reisberg,et al.  Erratum of Os isotopic systematics of the MORB mantle: results from altered abyssal peridotites [E , 1995 .

[175]  S. Haggerty,et al.  Petrography and mineral compositions of eclogites from the Koidu Kimberlite Complex, Sierra Leone , 1995 .

[176]  H. Dick,et al.  Pervasive magnesium loss by marine weathering of peridotite , 1995 .

[177]  P. Deines,et al.  Petrochemistry of ultradeep (>300 km) and transition zone xenoliths , 1995, International Kimberlite Conference Extended Abstracts: 1995.

[178]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Stabilisation of Archaean lithospheric mantle: a Re-Os isotope study of peridotite xenoliths from th , 1995 .

[179]  E. Watson,et al.  Dehydration melting of metabasalt at 8-32 kbar : Implications for continental growth and crust-mantle recycling , 1995 .

[180]  P. Deines,et al.  Sulfide inclusion chemistry and carbon isotopes of African diamonds , 1995 .

[181]  D. Schulze Low-Ca garnet harzburgites from Kimberley, South Africa: Abundance and bearing on the structure and evolution of the lithosphere , 1995 .

[182]  Tibor J. Dunai,et al.  Helium, neon, and argon systematics of the European subcontinental mantle: Implications for its geochemical evolution , 1995 .

[183]  L. Reisberg,et al.  Longevity of sub-continental mantle lithosphere from osmium isotope systematics in orogenic peridotite massifs , 1995, Nature.

[184]  R. Vannucci,et al.  Origin of LREE-depleted amphiboles in the subcontinental mantle , 1995 .

[185]  A. Hofmann,et al.  NbTa-rich mantle amphiboles and micas: Implications for subduction-related metasomatic trace element fractionations , 1995 .

[186]  H. Milledge,et al.  Morphological Characteristics of Diamond Populations in Relation to Temperature-Dependent Growth and Dissolution Rates , 1995 .

[187]  E. Neumann,et al.  Petrogenesis of spinel harzburgite and dunite suite xenoliths from Lanzarote, eastern Canary Islands: Implications for the upper mantle , 1995 .

[188]  L. Taylor,et al.  Archaean Re–Os age for Siberian eclogites and constraints on Archaean tectonics , 1995, Nature.

[189]  R. Carlson,et al.  ReOs, SmNd, and RbSr isotope evidence for thick Archaean lithospheric mantle beneath the Siberian craton modified by multistage metasomatism , 1995 .

[190]  G. Bulanova The formation of diamond , 1995 .

[191]  W. McDonough,et al.  The composition of the Earth , 1995 .

[192]  R. Vannucci,et al.  Ultramafic xenoliths in plio-pleistocene alkali basalts from the eastern transylvanian basin: Depleted mantle enriched by vein metasomatism , 1995 .

[193]  B. Wood,et al.  Experimental tests of garnet peridotite oxygen barometry , 1995 .

[194]  C. Pillinger,et al.  The Carbon and Nitrogen-Isotope Characteristics of the Argyle and Ellendale Diamonds, Western Australia , 1995 .

[195]  V. Salters,et al.  Extreme 176Hf/177Hf in the sub-oceanic mantle , 1995 .

[196]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphism: Orogenic ultramafic rocks of UHP (diamond facies) origin , 1995 .

[197]  R. Mitchell Kimberlites, orangeites, and related rocks , 1995 .

[198]  D. Lowry,et al.  Oxygen isotope composition of mantle peridotite , 1994 .

[199]  D. Lowry,et al.  Diamondiferous eclogites from Siberia: Remnants of Archean oceanic crust , 1994 .

[200]  P. Roeder Chromite; from the fiery rain of chondrules to the Kilauea Iki lava lake , 1994 .

[201]  R. Rudnick,et al.  Trace elements in diamond inclusions from eclogites reveal link to Archean granites , 1994 .

[202]  G. Jenner,et al.  Experimentally determined partitioning of high field strength- and selected transition elements between spinel and basaltic melt , 1994 .

[203]  B. Harte,et al.  Distribution of trace elements between amphibole and clinopyroxene from mantle peridotites of the Eifel (western Germany): An ion-microprobe study , 1994 .

[204]  R. Carlson,et al.  Depletion and enrichment history of subcontinental lithospheric mantle: An Os, Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic study of ultramafic xenoliths from the northwestern Wyoming Craton , 1994 .

[205]  N. Shimizu,et al.  Metasomatism of the mantle lithosphere recorded by rare earth elements in garnets , 1994 .

[206]  C. Pillinger,et al.  A preliminary study of 15N14N in octahedral growth form diamonds , 1994 .

[207]  M. Gunther Isotopic disequilibria (Sm/Nd, Rb/Sr) between minerals of coarse grained, low temperature garnet peridotites from Kimberly Floors, southern Africa , 1994 .

[208]  E. Stolper,et al.  Determining the composition of high-pressure mantle melts using diamond aggregates , 1994 .

[209]  S. Haggerty,et al.  Silicate-carbonate liquid immiscibility in upper-mantle eclogites: Implications for natrosilicic and carbonatitic conjugate melts , 1994 .

[210]  W. McDonough,et al.  Ferric iron in peridotites and mantle oxidation states , 1994 .

[211]  S. Arai Characterization of spinel peridotites by olivine-spinel compositional relationships: Review and interpretation , 1994 .

[212]  R. Clocchiatti,et al.  Worldwide occurrence of silica-rich melts in sub-continental and sub-oceanic mantle minerals , 1994, Nature.

[213]  E. M. Cameron,et al.  Carbonated, alkaline hybridizing melts from a sub-arc environment: mantle wedge samples from the Tabar-Lihir-Tanga-Feni arc, Papua New Guinea. , 1994 .

[214]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  The characterisation and origin of graphite in cratonic lithospheric mantle: a petrological carbon isotope and Raman spectroscopic study , 1994 .

[215]  O. Navon,et al.  Hydrous and carbonatitic mantle fluids in fibrous diamonds from Jwaneng, Botswana , 1994 .

[216]  D. Ionov,et al.  Garnet Peridotite Xenoliths from the Vitim Volcanic Field, Baikal Region: the Nature of the Garnet—Spinel Peridotite Transition Zone in the Continental Mantle , 1993 .

[217]  S. H. Richardson,et al.  Three generations of diamonds from old continental mantle , 1993, Nature.

[218]  R. Kerr Bits of the lower mantle found in brazilian diamonds. , 1993, Science.

[219]  C. Dupuy,et al.  Carbonated peridotite xenoliths from Spitsbergen: implications for trace element signature of mantle carbonate metasomatism , 1993 .

[220]  S. Hart,et al.  Evidence for hotspot-related carbonatite metasomatism in the oceanic upper mantle , 1993, Nature.

[221]  V. N. Sobolev,et al.  Nd and Sr isotopes from diamondiferous eclogites, Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe, Yakutia, Siberia: Evidence of differentiation in the early Earth? , 1993 .

[222]  J. Rosenbaum Mantle phlogopite: a significant lead repository? , 1993 .

[223]  V. N. Sobolev,et al.  Diamondiferous eclogites from Yakutia, Siberia: evidence for a diversity of protoliths , 1993 .

[224]  P. Deines,et al.  Depth-related carbon isotope and nitrogen concentration variability in the mantle below the Orapa kimberlite, Botswana, Africa , 1993 .

[225]  S. Sandford,et al.  Diamonds in dense molecular clouds: a challenge to the standard interstellar medium paradigm. , 1993, Science.

[226]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Low-calcium garnet harzburgites from southern Africa: their relations to craton structure and diamond crystallization , 1993 .

[227]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of diamond facies pyroxenites from the Beni Bousera Peridotite Massif, North Morocco , 1993 .

[228]  W. Griffin,et al.  Trace elements in garnets and chromites: Diamond formation in the Siberian lithosphere , 1993 .

[229]  D. Canil,et al.  Ferric iron in mantle-derived pyroxenes and a new oxybarometer for the mantle , 1993 .

[230]  H. O’Neill,et al.  An experimental study of Fe-Mg partitioning between olivine and orthopyroxene at 1173, 1273 and 1423 K and 1.6 GPa , 1993 .

[231]  W. McDonough,et al.  Carbonatite metasomatism in the northern Tanzanian mantle: petrographic and geochemical characteristics , 1993 .

[232]  S. Hart,et al.  ReOs isotope systematics of HIMU and EMII oceanic island basalts from the south Pacific Ocean , 1993 .

[233]  J. Dawson,et al.  A mantle metasomatic injection event linked to late Cretaceous kimberlite magmatism , 1992, Nature.

[234]  D. R. Cousens,et al.  Trace element geochemistry of ilmenite megacrysts from the Monastery kimberlite, South Africa , 1992 .

[235]  S. Foley Vein-plus-wall-rock melting mechanisms in the lithosphere and the origin of potassic alkaline magmas , 1992 .

[236]  F. R. Boyd,et al.  Compositional zonation in garnets in peridotite xenoliths , 1992 .

[237]  A. Basu,et al.  Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes of ultramafic xenoliths in volcanic rocks of Eastern China: enriched components EMI and EMII in subcontinental lithosphere , 1992 .

[238]  K. Farley,et al.  Rare gases in Samoan xenoliths , 1992 .

[239]  Ulrich R. Christensen,et al.  The role of lithospheric mantle in continental flood volcanism: Thermal and geochemical constraints , 1992 .

[240]  G. Wörner,et al.  Four- and five-phase peridotites from a continental rift system: evidence for upper mantle uplift and cooling at the Ross Sea margin (Antarctica) , 1992 .

[241]  D. Canil Orthopyroxene stability along the peridotite solidus and the origin of cratonic lithosphere beneath southern Africa , 1992 .

[242]  A. Cohen,et al.  Isotopic relationships of volatile and lithophile trace elements in continental ultramafic xenoliths , 1992 .

[243]  B. Harte,et al.  The Jagersfontein Cr-poor megacryst suite―towards a model for megacryst petrogenesis , 1992 .

[244]  A. Okay,et al.  Diamond from the Dabie Shan Metamorphic Rocks and Its Implication for Tectonic Setting , 1992, Science.

[245]  W. McDonough,et al.  Distribution of titanium and the rare earth elements between peridotitic minerals , 1992 .

[246]  S. Eggins Petrogenesis of Hawaiian tholeiites: 1, phase equilibria constraints , 1992 .

[247]  A. Janse New ideas in subdividing cratonic areas , 1992 .

[248]  D. Canil,et al.  Constraints on the origin of mantle-derived low Ca garnets , 1992 .

[249]  A. A. Levinson,et al.  Diamond Sources and Production: Past, Present, and Future , 1992 .

[250]  M. Menzies The lower lithosphere as a major source for continental flood basalts: a re-appraisal , 1992, Geological Society, London, Special Publications.

[251]  C. Pillinger,et al.  C and N isotopic composition and the infrared absorption spectra of coated diamonds: evidence for the regional uniformity of CO2H2O rich fluids in lithospheric mantle , 1992 .

[252]  J. Field The Properties of natural and synthetic diamond , 1992 .

[253]  Douglas Smith,et al.  Pyroxene-garnet equilibration during cooling in the mantle , 1991 .

[254]  P. Deines,et al.  The carbon isotopic composition and nitrogen content of lithospheric and asthenospheric diamonds from the Jagersfontein and Koffiefontein kimberlite, South Africa , 1991 .

[255]  E. Jagoutz,et al.  Neodymium and strontium isotope systematics of eclogite and websterite paragenesis inclusions from single diamonds, Finsch and Kimberley Pool, RSA , 1991 .

[256]  D. Canil Experimental evidence for the exsolution of cratonic peridotite from high-temperature harzburgite , 1991 .

[257]  A. E. Ringwood,et al.  Phase transformations and their bearing on the constitution and dynamics of the mantle , 1991 .

[258]  C. Hawkesworth,et al.  The petrogenesis of Mesozoic Gondwana low-Ti flood basalts , 1991 .

[259]  S. Zashu,et al.  Noble gas state of the ancient mantle as deduced from noble gases in coated diamonds , 1991 .

[260]  V. Sautter,et al.  Ultradeep (>300 Kilometers) Ultramafic Xenoliths: Petrological Evidence from the Transition Zone , 1991, Science.

[261]  A. A. Levinson,et al.  Age, Origin, and Emplacement of Diamonds: Scientific Advances in the Last Decade , 1991 .

[262]  B. Mukhopadhyay Garnet-clinopyroxene geobarometry; the problems, a prospect, and an approximate solution with some applications , 1991 .

[263]  W. Griffin,et al.  Trace-element zonation in garnets from The Thumb: heating and melt infiltration below the Colorado Plateau , 1991 .

[264]  W. Griffin,et al.  Residence of trace elements in metasomatized spinel lherzolite xenoliths: a proton-microprobe study , 1991 .

[265]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Oxygen isotope evidence for the origin of pyroxenites in the Beni Bousera peridotite massif, North Morocco: derivation from subducted oceanic lithosphere , 1991 .

[266]  D. A. Carswell The garnet-orthopyroxene Al barometer: problematic application to natural garnet lherzolite assemblages , 1991, Mineralogical Magazine.

[267]  P. Deines,et al.  Carbon and oxygen isotope variations in diamond and graphite eclogites from Orapa, Botswana, and the nitrogen content of their diamonds , 1991 .

[268]  Ė. Galimov Isotope fractionation related to kimberlite magmatism and diamond formation , 1991 .

[269]  G. Witt-Eickschen,et al.  Solubility of Ca and Al in orthopyroxene from spinel peridotite: an improved version of an empirical geothermometer , 1991 .

[270]  E. Wilks,et al.  Properties and Applications of Diamond , 1991 .

[271]  R. Berry,et al.  High pressure experimental calibration of the olivine-orthopyroxene-spinel oxygen geobarometer: implications for the oxidation state of the upper mantle , 1991 .

[272]  W. Leeman,et al.  Iron-rich lherzolitic xenoliths from Oahu: origin and implications for Hawaiian magma sources , 1991 .

[273]  M. Otter,et al.  Southern African Kimberlites and their Xenoliths , 1991 .

[274]  K. Nickel,et al.  Geothermobarometry in Four-phase Lherzolites I. Experimental Results from 10 to 60 kb , 1990 .

[275]  T. Köhler,et al.  Geothermobarometry in Four-phase Lherzolites II. New Thermobarometers, and Practical Assessment of Existing Thermobarometers , 1990 .

[276]  G. Tilton,et al.  Pb, Nd and Sr isotopic investigations of kaersutite and clinopyroxene from ultramafic nodules, and their host basalts: The nature of the subcontinental mantle , 1990 .

[277]  M. Ridd,et al.  Nitrogen-defect aggregation characteristics of some Australasian diamonds; time-temperature constraints on the source regions of pipe and alluvial diamonds , 1990 .

[278]  W. McDonough Constraints on the composition of the continental lithospheric mantle , 1990 .

[279]  D. Canil Experimental study bearing on the absence of carbonate in mantle-derived xenoliths , 1990 .

[280]  T. Köhler,et al.  Calcium exchange between olivine and clinopyroxene calibrated as a geothermobarometer for natural peridotites from 2 to 60 kb with applications , 1990 .

[281]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Eclogites with oceanic crustal and mantle signatures from the Bellsbank kimberlite, South Africa, part 2: Sr, Nd, and O isotope geochemistry , 1990 .

[282]  S. H. Richardson,et al.  Eclogitic diamonds of Proterozoic age from Cretaceous kimberlites , 1990, Nature.

[283]  V. Sautter,et al.  Ultradeep (Greater Than 300 Kilometers), Ultramafic Upper Mantle Xenoliths , 1990, Science.

[284]  B. Wood,et al.  Mantle Oxidation State and Its Relationship to Tectonic Environment and Fluid Speciation , 1990, Science.

[285]  N. Sobolev,et al.  Diamond inclusions in garnets from metamorphic rocks: a new environment for diamond formation , 1990, Nature.

[286]  D. Elthon,et al.  Evidence from chromium abundances in mantle rocks for extraction of picrite and komatiite melts , 1990, Nature.

[287]  B. Harte,et al.  Peridotite xenoliths from the Jagersfontein kimberlite pipe: I. Primary and primary-metasomatic mineralogy , 1990 .

[288]  G. Tilton,et al.  U‐Th‐Pb partitioning behavior during partial melting in the upper mantle: Implications for the origin of high Mu Components and the “Pb Paradox” , 1990 .

[289]  B. Wood,et al.  Ferric iron in mantle-derived garnets , 1990 .

[290]  S. Haggerty,et al.  Petrochemistry of eclogites from the Koidu Kimberlite Complex, Sierra Leone , 1989 .

[291]  J. Stone,et al.  He, Sr and Nd isotopes in xenoliths from Hawaii and other oceanic islands , 1989 .

[292]  F. R. Boyd Compositional distinction between oceanic and cratonic lithosphere , 1989 .

[293]  G. Hanson,et al.  Re-Os, Rb-Sr, and O isotopic systematics of the Archean Kolar schist belt, Karnataka, India , 1989 .

[294]  D. McKenzie Some remarks on the movement of small melt fractions in the mantle , 1989 .

[295]  D. R. Cousens,et al.  Ni in chrome pyrope garnets: a new geothermometer , 1989 .

[296]  L. Taylor,et al.  Eclogites with Oceanic Crustal and Mantle Signatures from the Bellsbank Kimberlite, South Africa, Part I: Mineralogy, Petrography, and Whole Rock Chemistry , 1989, The Journal of Geology.

[297]  S. Galer,et al.  Chemical and Isotopic Studies of Ultramafic Inclusions from the San Carlos Volcanic Field, Arizona: A Bearing on their Petrogenesis , 1989 .

[298]  W. McDonough,et al.  Compositional constraints on the continental lithospheric mantle from trace elements in spinel peridotite xenoliths , 1989, Nature.

[299]  P. Mazzone,et al.  Peraluminous xenoliths in kimberlite: Metamorphosed restites produced by partial melting of pelites , 1989 .

[300]  R. Carlson,et al.  Os, Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope systematics of southern African peridotite xenoliths: Implications for the chemical evolution of subcontinental mantle , 1989 .

[301]  A. Finnerty Xenolith-derived mantle geotherms: whither the inflection? , 1989 .

[302]  P. Deines,et al.  Nitrogen and 13C content of Finsch and Premier diamonds and their implications , 1989 .

[303]  B. Wood,et al.  Upper mantle oxidation state: Ferric iron contents of Iherzolite spinels by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and resultant oxygen fugacities , 1989 .

[304]  D. J. Schulze,et al.  Constraints on the abundance of eclogite in the upper mantle , 1989 .

[305]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Graphitized diamonds from a peridotite massif in Morocco and implications for anomalous diamond occurrences , 1989, Nature.

[306]  W. McDonough,et al.  Rare earth elements in upper mantle rocks , 1989 .

[307]  R. Mitchell,et al.  Abundance and distribution of gallium in some spinel and garnet lherzolites , 1988 .

[308]  T. Akagi,et al.  Isotopic and elemental evidence for a relationship between kimberlite and Zaire cubic diamonds , 1988, Nature.

[309]  G. Wasserburg,et al.  Mantle-derived fluids in diamond micro-inclusions , 1988, Nature.

[310]  G. Sen Petrogenesis of spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite suite xenoliths from the Koolau shield, Oahu, Hawaii: Implications for petrology of the post-eruptive lithosphere beneath Oahu , 1988 .

[311]  F. Albarède,et al.  Sulphur isotope variations in the mantle from ion microprobe analyses of micro-sulphide inclusions , 1988 .

[312]  E. J. Krogh The garnet-clinopyroxene Fe-Mg geothermometer — a reinterpretation of existing experimental data , 1988 .

[313]  E. Jagoutz Nd and Sr systematics in an eclogite xenolith from Tanzania: Evidence for frozen mineral equilibria in the continental lithosphere , 1988 .

[314]  J. Ganguly,et al.  Equilibrium Compositions of Coexisting Garnet and Orthopyroxene: Experimental Determinations in the System FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2, and Applications , 1988 .

[315]  W. Griffin,et al.  Mantle metasomatism beneath western Victoria, Australia. II. Isotopic geochemistry of Cr-diopside lherzolites and Al-augite pyroxenites , 1988 .

[316]  A. Stolz,et al.  Chemical and Isotopic Evidence from Spinel Lherzolite Xenoliths for Episodic Metasomatism of the Upper Mantle beneath Southeast Australia , 1988 .

[317]  M. Menzies,et al.  Lithospheric Mantle Domains beneath the Archean and Proterozoic crust of Scotland , 1988 .

[318]  S. Zashu,et al.  Solar-type Ne in Zaire cubic diamonds , 1988 .

[319]  C. Pillinger,et al.  Multiple growth events during diamond genesis: an integrated study of carbon and nitrogen isotopes and nitrogen aggregation state in coated stones , 1987 .

[320]  W. McDonough,et al.  The southeast Australian lithospheric mantle: isotopic and geochemical constraints on its growth and evolution , 1987 .


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[323]  A. Basu,et al.  Oxygen isotopes in coexisting garnets, clinopyroxenes and phlogopites of Roberts Victor eclogites: implications for petrogenesis and mantle metasomatism , 1987 .

[324]  P. Deines,et al.  Carbon isotopic composition, nitrogen content and inclusion composition of diamonds from the Roberts Victor kimberlite, South Africa: Evidence for 13C depletion in the mantle , 1987 .

[325]  E. Steel,et al.  Interstellar diamonds in meteorites , 1987, Nature.

[326]  C. Dupuy,et al.  Textural, isotopic and REE variations in spinel peridotite xenoliths, Massif Central, France , 1987 .

[327]  S. H. Richardson,et al.  Trace element abundance patterns of garnet inclusions in peridotite-suite diamonds , 1987 .

[328]  S. Hart,et al.  In search of a bulk-Earth composition , 1986 .

[329]  F. Pineau,et al.  Carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the mantle , 1986 .

[330]  L. Reisberg,et al.  Extreme isotopic variations in the upper mantle: evidence from Ronda , 1986 .

[331]  J. Morgan Ultramafic xenoliths: Clues to Earth's late accretionary history , 1986 .

[332]  H. Stosch,et al.  Trace element and Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths from the Eifel (West Germany) and their bearing on the evolution of the subcontinental lithosphere , 1986 .

[333]  S. H. Richardson Latter-day origin of diamonds of eclogitic paragenesis , 1986, Nature.

[334]  H. Taylor,et al.  Non-equilibrium, metasomatic18O/16O effects in upper mantle mineral assemblages , 1986 .

[335]  S. Haggerty Diamond genesis in a multiply-constrained model , 1986, Nature.

[336]  D. Porcelli,et al.  Helium and strontium isotopes in ultramafic xenoliths , 1986 .

[337]  D. Schulze Calcium anomalies in the mantle and a subducted metaserpentinite origin for diamonds , 1986, Nature.

[338]  W. Manton,et al.  Roberts victor eclogites: Ancient oceanic crust , 1986 .

[339]  Rory O. Moore,et al.  Pyroxene solid solution in garnets included in diamond , 1985, Nature.

[340]  S. H. Richardson,et al.  Kimberlite-borne garnet peridotite xenoliths from old enriched subcontinental lithosphere , 1985 .

[341]  K. Nickel,et al.  CaAl ratio and composition of the Earth's upper mantle , 1985 .

[342]  M. Menzies,et al.  Interaction of Continental Lithosphere and Asthenospheric Melts below the Geronimo Volcanic Field, Arizona, U.S.A , 1985 .

[343]  K. Nickel,et al.  Empirical geothermobarometry for garnet peridotites and implications for the nature of the lithosphere, kimberlites and diamonds , 1985 .

[344]  S. Hoernes,et al.  Anorthositic oceanic crust in the Archean Earth , 1985 .

[345]  S. Harley An experimental study of the partitioning of Fe and Mg between garnet and orthopyroxene , 1984 .

[346]  S. H. Richardson,et al.  Origin of diamonds in old enriched mantle , 1984, Nature.

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[348]  A. Irving,et al.  Trace element abundances in megacrysts and their host basalts: Constraints on partition coefficients and megacryst genesis , 1984 .

[349]  R. Mitchell Garnet lherzolites from the Hanaus-I and Louwrensia kimberlites of Namibia , 1984 .

[350]  J. Dawson,et al.  Isotope geochemistry of xenoliths from East Africa: Implications for development of mantle reservoirs and their interaction , 1984 .

[351]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Rapidly crystallized garnet pyroxenite xenoliths possibly related to discrete nodules , 1984 .

[352]  JOSEPH V. Smith,et al.  Granny Smith diopside megacrysts from the kimberlites of the Kimberley area and Jagersfontein, South Africa , 1984 .

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[356]  S. Haggerty,et al.  The Koidu Kimberlite Complex, Sierra Leone: Geological Setting, Petrology and Mineral Chemistry , 1984 .

[357]  J. Gurney,et al.  Diamond eclogite and graphite eclogite xenoliths from Orapa, Botswana , 1984 .

[358]  J. V. Ross The nature and rheology of the cordilleran upper mantle of british columbia: Inferences from peridotite xenoliths , 1983 .

[359]  M. Menzies,et al.  CO2- and LREE-rich mantle below eastern Australia: a REE and isotopic study of alkaline magmas and apatite-rich mantle xenoliths from the Southern Highlands Province, Australia , 1983 .

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[363]  S. Ehrenberg Petrogenesis of Garnet Lherzolite and Megacrystalline Nodules from the Thumb, Navajo Volcanic Field , 1982 .

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[371]  A. Irving,et al.  Geochemistry and evolution of Iherzolite-bearing phonolitic lavas from Nigeria, Australia, East Germany and New Zealand , 1981 .

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[379]  R. Carlson,et al.  Equilibrated Nd–unequilibrated Sr isotopes in mantle xenoliths , 1980, Nature.

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[382]  H. Stosch,et al.  Geochemistry and mineralogy of two spinel peridotite suites from Dreiser Weiher, West Germany , 1980 .

[383]  M. Menzies,et al.  Enriched mantle: Nd and Sr isotopes in diopsides from kimberlite nodules , 1980, Nature.

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[389]  J. Kramers Lead, uranium, strontium, potassium and rubidium in inclusion-bearing diamonds and mantle-derived xenoliths from Southern Africa , 1979 .

[390]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Ultramafic nodules from the Kimberley pipes, South Africa , 1978 .

[391]  B. Wood,et al.  The thermodynamic properties of reciprocal solid solutions , 1978 .

[392]  M. Prinz,et al.  Ultramafic inclusions from San Carlos, Arizona: Petrologic and geochemical data bearing on their petrogenesis , 1978 .

[393]  P. H. Nixon,et al.  Pyrope-spinel (alkremite) xenoliths from kimberlite , 1978 .

[394]  Douglas Smith The Origin and Interpretation of Spinel-Pyroxene Clusters in Peridotite , 1977, The Journal of Geology.

[395]  V. Murthy,et al.  Ancient lithospheric lherzolite xenolith in alkali basalt from Baja California , 1977 .

[396]  R. Mitchell Ultramafic xenoliths from the Elwin Bay kimberlite: the first Canadian paleogeotherm , 1977 .

[397]  B. Harte Rock Nomenclature with Particular Relation to Deformation and Recrystallisation Textures in Olivine-Bearing Xenoliths , 1977, The Journal of Geology.

[398]  J. Kramers Lead and strontium isotopes in Cretaceous kimberlites and mantle-derived xenoliths from Southern Africa , 1977 .

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