The purpose of this study was to evaluate and document the feasibility of powering standard size (40 ft) and small (25 to 30 ft) buses with fuel cells. Present status of fuel cell systems was documented and fuel cell development over the next five years was projected. Preferred propulsion systems consisting of pure fuel cells and fuel cell/battery hybrids were identified. Performance modeling was performed using DOT drive cycles for the standard bus and a Georgetown University route for the small bus. A life cycle cost analysis was performed to determine break-even costs for the fuel cell system compared to conventional diesel-powered buses. It was concluded that a functional, hybrid fuel cell/battery powered bus can be built with currently available technology to meet the requirements of the reduced power DOT drive cycle and, with some lowered top speeds, to meet the Georgetown University route requirements. To break even with a diesel bus, fuel cell and reformer costs should be in the range of $200 to $500/kW. No dollar value was placed on the fuel cell's low air and noise pollution. A future development plan was prepared based on this study.