The Italian dairy production is characterized by high heterogeneity. The typology quantitatively more important (80% of national production) is represented by cow’s milk cheeses ( Grana Padano cheese, string cheese, Parmesan cheese, etc.), while the cheese from buffalo’s milk (especially string cheese such as mozzarella ) and cheese from sheep and goats represents respectively 4% and 8% of the national dairy production, and are linked to specific regional contexts. Some phases of the cycle of milk processing occur at certain temperatures that are not comfortable for the workers also in relation to possible problems due to thermal shock. The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of heat stress on workers operating in a dairy for processing of buffalo milk. The research was conducted at a dairy farm located in the province of Viterbo, Italy, during the spring-summer period. To carry out the research were detected major climatic parameters (air temperature, relative humidity, mean radiant temperature, air velocity) and the main parameters of the individual operators (clothing thermal insulation and the energy expenditure required from the work done by employees). Subsequently, main indices of heat stress assessment provided by the main technical standards were calculated. In particular have been calculated predicted mean vote and predicted percentage of dissatisfied in moderate thermal environments (environments in which the objective, in the design and management phases, is to achieve the thermal comfort), provided by the UNI EN ISO 7730 and the wet bulb globe temperature in severe hot environments (environments in which you must protect the health of workers) required by UNI EN ISO 27243. The results show some phases of risk from heat stress especially during times of test in which the internal air temperature exceeds the threshold of 30°C and possible solutions to improve the safety of the operators.
Daniel S. Moran,et al.
An environmental stress index (ESI) as a substitute for the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)
J. Sánchez-Hermosilla,et al.
Approach to the evaluation of the thermal work environment in the greenhouse-construction industry o
T Marras,et al.
Valutazione del rischio biomeccanico in due caseifici industriali con differente grado di meccanizzazione
Alvaro Marucci,et al.
Heat stress suffered by workers employed in vegetable grafting in greenhouses
G. M. Budd,et al.
Wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT)--its history and its limitations.
Journal of science and medicine in sport.
Francisco Manzano-Agugliaro,et al.
Improving the climate safety of workers in Almería-type greenhouses in Spain by predicting the periods when they are most likely to suffer thermal stress.
Applied ergonomics.
Alvaro Marucci,et al.
The heat stress for workers employed in laying hens houses