Handbook of agriculture
Part 1 Soils: introduction solid soil components the liquid phase of the soil soil chemistry artificial soil, substrates soil disinfection cultivation without soil, hydroponics. Part 2 Fertilizers: general concepts classification of fertilizers chemical fertilizers organic fertilizers application of chemical fertilizers application of organic fertilizers correcting and improving soils deficiencies of nutrient elements. Part 3 Fruit trees: introduction reproduction and propagation of fruit trees climate in fruit cultivation the soil planting fruit trees pruning and training fruit trees cultivation techniques fertilizer application and irrigation flowering, pollination and fruit growth disorders of fruit trees gathering the fruit storage fruit species forestry. Part 4 Defence of cultivated plants: introduction viral parasites parasites of plants animal parasites preventive measures control or curative methods weed control pests and diseases of specific crops. Part 5 Agricultural techniques in extensive crops: introduction the use of cereals the plant cultivation cycles soil preparation sowing tending the crop irrigation agricultural mechanics harvesting storing the grain accidents, weeds, diseases and pests the main extensive crops. Part 6 Horticulture: introduction propagation of horticultural plants sowing soil preparation tending the crop applying fertilizer irrigation application of plant growth regulators alternation and rotation in horticultural crops harvesting horticultural produce storage of horticultural produce characteristics of the main vegetable crops in vitro cultivation in horticulture. Part 7 Greenhouse cultivation: introduction protective structures the influence of environmental factors on greenhouses heating and cooling cultivation systems in greenhouses fertilizer application irrigation fighting pests and diseases - sanitary problems in greenhouses international glossary of terms.