Design of a Sparsity-Aware Reconfigurable Deep Learning Accelerator Supporting Various Types of Operations

The superiority of various Deep Neural Networks (DNN) models, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), has been proven in various real-world applications and has received much attention. However, different DNN models include various types of operations. For example, CNN models are usually composed of convolutional layers (Conv) and fully-connected layers (FC). Furthermore, some light CNN models such as MobileNet adopt depthwise separable convolution with depthwise convolution (DWC) and pointwise convolution (PWC) to compress the models. In addition to regular convolution, de-convolution (De-Conv) is also widely used in many GAN models. Moreover, many RNN models also employ long-short-term memory (LSTM) to control update of internal states and data. Such a high diversity of various DNN operations poses great design challenges in implementing reconfigurable Deep Learning (DL) accelerators, which can support various types of DNN operations. Most recent DL accelerators focus only on some DNN operations, which lacks computing flexibility. In this paper, by exploiting the sparsity in current DNN models, we design sparsity-aware DL hardware accelerators that can support efficient computation of various DNN operations, including Conv, DeConv, DWC, PWC, FC, and LSTM. Through reconfiguring dataflow and parallelizing different operations, the proposed designs not only improve system performance but also increase hardware utilization with a significant reduction of power consumption in memory accesses and arithmetic computations.

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