Directional pursuit deficits following lesions of the foveal representation within the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque monkey.

Ibotenic acid lesions of the middle temporal visual area (MT) have previously been shown to impair a monkey's ability to initiate smooth pursuit eye movements to targets moving in the extrafoveal visual field (30). This is a retinotopic deficit: pursuit is impaired in all directions within the affected portion of the contralateral visual field. In the present experiments we analyzed the effects of lesions of the foveal representation of MT on the maintenance of foveal pursuit. Injections of ibotenic acid were directed toward the representation of the fovea within MT but spread into extrafoveal regions of MT and adjacent visual areas within the superior temporal sulcus. Chemical lesions of the foveal representation produced a directional deficit in the maintenance of pursuit: the monkey failed to match eye speed to target speed when pursuing a target that moved toward the side of the brain with the lesion. This deficit was evident regardless of the part of the visual field in which target motion began, and pursuit at higher target speeds was more severely affected. The directional deficit was qualitatively similar to pursuit deficits observed in human patients following large parietal-occipital lesions. Extension of the lesions into extrafoveal regions of the contralateral visual field representation also resulted in retinotopic deficits for pursuit initiation: the monkey was unable to match the speed of its pursuit eye movement to that of a target or to adjust the amplitude of its saccade to compensate for target motion. The errors in pursuit speed and saccade amplitude for initiation of pursuit into the contralateral visual field were linearly related, which supports the hypothesis that both deficits arise from damage to the same underlying visual motion processing mechanism. The selectivity of the retinotopic deficit for motion information was also investigated by reducing retinal motion through the use of a stabilized image. After the lesion, the monkeys continued normal pursuit when a position error was present during stabilization, supporting the view that the deficit was related to loss of motion but not position information.

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