Principles of pharmacology : basic concepts and clinical applications

Part 1 General principles: Pharmacodynamics - drug receptors and receptor mechanisms Pharmacokinetics - disposition and metabolism of drugs Drug development, the evaluation of new drugs and principles of therapeutics. Part 2 Peripheral neuropharmacology: Chemical neurotransmission, peripheral autonomic nervous system Pharmacology of cholingeric transmission Pharmacology of the sympathetic nervous system Neuromuscular transmission - agonists, antagonists Pharmacology of the adrenal medulla Autacoids in peripheral autonomic pharmacology Local anesthetics Uterine pharmacology. Part 3 Central neuropharmacology: Relationships of drugs acting in the nervous system neurotransmission General anesthetic drugs Drugs used for the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders General principles of drug therapy in psychiatric disorders Antipsychotic agents Drugs used for the treatment of affective disorders Drugs used for the treatment of neurological disorders Epilepsy and anticonvulsants Opioid analgesics and antagonists Drug abuse and addiction, including alcohol CNS stimulants. Part 4 Cardiovascular and pulmonary pharmacology. Cardiovascular pharmacology: Agents used in the management of heart failure Antischemic drugs Antiarrhythmic drugs Antihypertensive drugs Specific vascular disorders Monitoring of cardiovascular and pulmonary drugs and treatment of their intoxications. Pulmonary pharmacology: Bronchodilators Anti-inflamatory management of bronchospastic disease Cromalyn sodium, nedocrimil sodium and related compounds Repiratory stimulants Antitussive agents Drugs acting on mucociliary transport surface. Part 5 Renal pharmacology: Introduction Fluid and electrolyte balance General principles and renal mechanisms of drug transport Diuretics Antidiuretic hormone, synthetic analogs and related agents Drug-induced kidney disease. Part 6 Pharmacology of hormones and reproduction: Insulin, glucagon and oral hypoglycemic agents in the treatment of diebetes mellitus Parathyroid hormone and diphosphonates Calcitonin Adrenal corticosteroids, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), Corticotropin releasing hormone and antidrenal drugs Thyroid hormones, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), TSH-releasing hormone (TRH) and antithyroid drugs Estrogens Antiestrogens Progestins Contraceptive agents Androgenic and anabolic steroids and antagonists Gonadotropins Antiprogestins Activins and inhibins LHRH analog agonists and antagonists Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factors Prolactin and treatment of hyperprolactinemic states with bromocriptine. Part 7 Pharmacology of nutrients: Introduction to pharmacology of nutrients - nutritional requirements. Vitamins: Water-soluable vitamins - thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenate, pyridoxine, biotin, B12, folate and ascorbic acid Fat-soluable vitamins - vitamins A, D, E and K.