Self-explanation refers to explaining text to oneself while reading. We examined the quality of middle-school students' self-explanations of a science text which were collected while they were engaged with iSTART, an interactive computer program that teaches reading strategies. Our analysis included an examination of how the quality of paraphrases (i.e., restating the sentence) and elaborations (i.e., drawing on prior knowledge) were mediated by individual difference measures (reading comprehension skill and prior science knowledge) and sentence difficulty (based on information density). Reading comprehension skill was an important determinant in the production of paraphrases and elaborations. In addition, reading skill affected the quality of self-explanations produced; that is, skilled readers produced better quality elaborations (e.g., elaborations that helped build a global understanding of the text). Prior knowledge was also important, with high-knowledge students providing more 'distant' paraphrases. Finally, the production of elaborations and paraphrases was influenced by sentence difficulty. Fewer accurate elaborations were produced for the more difficult sentences. Implications for individual differences and sentence difficulty in the production of self-explanations are discussed.
D. McNamara.
Reading both high-coherence and low-coherence texts: effects of text sequence and prior knowledge.
Canadian journal of experimental psychology = Revue canadienne de psychologie experimentale.
M. Chi,et al.
Eliciting Self‐Explanations Improves Understanding
Mark A. McDaniel,et al.
Encoding and recall of texts: The importance of material appropriate processing
Matthew W. Lewis,et al.
Self-Explonations: How Students Study and Use Examples in Learning to Solve Problems
Cogn. Sci..
M. Chi,et al.
The Content of Physics Self-Explanations
Danielle S. McNamara,et al.
Learning from texts: Effects of prior knowledge and text coherence
Danielle S McNamara,et al.
iSTART: Interactive strategy training for active reading and thinking
Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers : a journal of the Psychonomic Society, Inc.