Synergetic participation of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank) (Acari; Acaridida) and its associated bacteria on the destruction of some soil micromycetes

The grazing of soil fungi (Pénicillium claviforme, Alternaria sp.) by the mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae damaged fungal hyphae and released the nutritional sources for lytic (Serratia) and antagonistic (Agrobacterium) bacteria. Moreover, the common faecal bacteria Alcaligenes faecalis became dominant inside the mite body as well as in the experimental environment, where, consequently, pH‐value increased. All factors mentioned together with others (humidity or moisture, oxygen deficit, etc.) caused both directly and indirectly the irreversible destruction of the fungal population. In some conditions, however, the mite population collapsed as well.