Mineralogy and Chemistry of Secondary Phases in Low Temperature Altered Basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Legs 51, 52, and 53

During DSDP Legs 51, 52, and 53, three deep holes were drilled in the Cretaceous crust of the Atlantic Ocean. Despite their proximity, the intensity of alteration in the first hole (417A) appeared to be very different from that of two others (417D and 418A). Rocks from Hole 417A were strongly altered and oxidized, whereas rocks from Holes 417D and 418A looked relatively fresh. A detailed study of the occurrence and the chemistry of secondary phases has been undertaken to specify the characteristics of alteration and the differences between the holes. The objective of this work was the understanding of the alteration process, in other words, the reaction of the oceanic Layer 2 with sea water in the case of this old crust.