Chest injuries and injury mechanisms in oblique lateral impacts

A majority of laboratory-driven side impact injury assessments are made using post mortem human subject (PMHS) under the pure 90-degree lateral mode. Because real-world injuries occur under pure and oblique modes, this study was designed to evaluate injury metrics and injury mechanisms with PMHS under the latter vector. Anthropometrical data were obtained and functional x-rays were taken. Specimens were seated on a sled and lateral impact acceleration was applied such that the load vector was at an angle of 20- or 30-degrees. The study determined forces in the thorax, abdomen and pelvis, deflection profiles at the levels of the axilla and mid-sternum representing the thorax, and at the tenth rib level representing the abdomen, and accelerations at the upper and lower dorsal spine and pelvis. These response data are valuable in oblique lateral impact assessments. For the covering abstract see ITRD E141762.