Correction: DebtRank: A Microscopic Foundation for Shock Propagation

There are errors in the presentation of Fig 1 and Fig 2. Please view the complete, correct Fig 1 and Fig 2 here. Fig 1 Relative equity loss for the system of 183 publicly traded EU banks between 2008 and 2013. Fig 2 Scatter plot of impact and vulnerability (reverse) rankings in 2008 (panel a) and 2013 (panel b). There is an error in the equation in the Data section. There is an incorrect subscript denotation in the second line. Please view the complete, correct equation here: Aij(n)=Aij(n−1)∑jAij(n−1)A˜iAij(n+1)=Aij(n)∑iAij(n)L˜j.