Interaction between Climate Changes, Eustacy and Land Subsidence in the North Adriatic Region, Italy

. The North Adriatic coastal area has experienced a serious relative sea level rise whose main component is land subsidence. Geological regional subsidence is ascribable to compaction and to deformation of substratum. Anthropogenic subsidence, which is due to ground fluid removal, has been severe in the second half of the 19th century, reaching values in meters. It is without doubt the main factor responsible for the instability of the entire coastal ecosystem. Widespread retreat of shoreline, seawater invasion, decay of vegetation, changes in the habitat of the flora and fauna have occurred. Sea level rise alone is linked to climate changes, which exhibit fluctuations of the order of a few hundred years; here, cold-wet periods alternated with warm-dry periods and, within them, shorter cold-wet and hot-dry cycles lasting for decades also alternated.