Making Sense of the Organization
Acknowledgments. Introduction. Part I: Organizations as Contexts for Sensemaking:. Introduction. 1. Sensemaking in Organizations: Small Structures with Large Consequences. 2. Sources of Order in Underorganized Systems: Themes in Recent Organizational Theory. 3. Organizational Redesign as Improvisation. Part II: Components of Sensemaking:. Introduction. Ecological Change. 4. The Collapse of Sensemaking in Organizations: The Mann Gulch Disaster. 5. The Vulnerable System: An Analysis of the Tenerife Air Disaster. 6. Technology as Equivoque: Sense--making in New Technologies. Enactment. 7. Enactment Processes in Organizations. 8. Enactment and the Boundaryless Career. 9. Enacted Sensemaking in Crisis Situations. Selection. 10. Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems. 11. Collective Mind in Organizations: Heedful Interrelating on Flight Decks. 12. Improvisation as a Mindset for Organizational Analysis. Retention. 13. Organizational Culture as a Source of High Reliability. 14. Organizations as Cause Maps. 15. Substitutes for Corporate Strategy. 16. The Attitude of Wisdom: Ambivalence as the Optimal Compromise. 17. Management of Organizational Change Among Loosely Coupled Elements. 18. Organization Design: Organizations as Self--Designing Systems. 19. Small Wins: Redefining the Scale of Social Problems. 20. Cosmos vs. Chaos: Sense and Nonsense in the Electronic Contexts. 21. Sensemaking as an Organizational Dimension of Global Change. Index.