과학 기반 STEAM 프로그램이 초등과학 영재 학생들의 창의적 문제해결력과 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the creative problem solving and scientific attitude through the science-based STEAM program for the elementary gifted students. For the purpose of this study, a teaching plan and worksheet for students based on STEAM was developed and applied. The objects of this study were the fourth grade of both an experimental class (18 students) and a comparative class (20 students) at the gifted class located in Gyeonggi Province. The results of this study were as follows: First, the change in students`` science creative problem solving in the experimental group applying science-based STEAM program has statistically meaningful difference (p<.05). Second, the scientific attitude score of the experimental class improved, but it has no meaningful difference statistically. Third, according to the analysis of questionnaire for evaluating the program, experimental class students had a positive recognition in respect of the STEAM program and got higher satisfaction about the lesson. Therefore, science-based STEAM program applied in this study might be useful to improve the creative problem solving, and can be expected the scientific attitude`` improving and better be widely applied to gifted education.