A case study of performing OFDM kernels on a novel reconfigurable DSP architecture

In this paper we present Morpho Technologies' reconfigurable MS2 platform for handling key baseband processing of PHY layer OFDM kernels that are commonly implemented in ASIC structures for commercial standards such as 802.11a, 802.16 (WiMax) and military waveforms such as WNW. First, we present an overview of Morpho's MS2 platform architecture. MS2 is a highly optimized and efficient parallel processing solution designed to meet both the real-time baseband processing and ultra low power requirements for mobile solutions. Next, we describe the detailed implementation of the most computationally intensive kernels that constitute the critical components of OFDM. The flexibility of the MS2 solution empowers SoC designers to not only meet the current OFDM PHY layer requirements, but to create a platform that can accommodate future changes within these standards. From the military wireless communications point of view, having an efficient and low power OFDM solution is critical to support the JTRS programs for the next decade, Morpho's MS2 solution provides SoC designers with an avenue to solve this difficult problem