Questionnaire Analysis of Risk Management of Laser Dental Treatment

The Committee of Clinical and Safety Training held two educational seminars and two safety courses from 2013 to 2014. We conducted a questionnaire study and obtained 56 valid answers of incidents and accidents involving laser dental treatment. Most incidents and accidents were emphysema, followed by mis-irradiation, equipment failure, broken irradiation tips, and not wearing safety goggles, respectively accounting for 23, 16, 14, 13 and 11%. These results suggest that laser dental treatment requires different risk management than regular dental treatment. Additionally, it is necessary periodically to hold educational seminars and safety courses on the use of dental lasers. (J. Jpn. Soc. Laser Dent. 26:73 ~ 75, 2015 Reprint requests to Dr. SHINOKI) Key words= Dental laser, Risk management, Questionnaire, Laser safety キーワード=歯科用レーザー,医療安全管理,リスクマネジメント,アンケート調査,レーザー安全管理